Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match
As soon as the match starts Kevin Owens is alone left in the ring as others rush to grab a ladder. Soon a brawl ensues leaving only Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn alone in the ring. They go at each other viciously before Zayn gettting upperhand.
Early into the match, Miz finds himself alone in the ring. He sets up the ladder and climbs it. Zayn interrupts him and sends him crashing outside. Owens enters and back body drops Zayn onto a ladder. Struggle ensues as every superstar tries to grab the belt early.
Zayn dives through ladder on other superstars to take them out on the outside. Sin Cara tries to climb the ladder. Zayn cuts him off by pushing the ladder outside.Sin Cara springboards from top rope and moonsaults into other waiting wrestlers.
Back and forth action spew as everyone tries to grab the belt. Soon, Ziggler goes on a superkick flurry which is ended when Stardust brings his own laddder into play. Zayn and Owens go at each other. Owens does a perfect frog-splash on Zayn.
Stardust tries to take advantage, but Sin Cara sends him out. Owens pushes Sin Cara onto Stardust who is prone upon another ladder causing the ladder to break in half. After much back and forth action Zack Ryder wins the title by sneaking offf unsuspecting Miz and pushing him from the top.
Results: Zack Ryder wins
- Owens back body drops Zayn on a ladder.
- Zayn dives through ladder on the other superstars to take them out.
- Sin Cara springboarding of top rope and moonsaulting on to other superstars.
- Dolph Ziggler goes on a superkick flurry
- Owens pushes Sin Cara from the top of the ladder onto Stardust prone on another ladder.
Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles
Jericho takes control of the bout early with a neckbreaker of the second rope. Jericho delivers a delayed suplex and follows it up with a chin lock. AJ fights out, but Jericho grounds him again.AJ with his fast flurry strikes catches Jericho off guard. Running forearm by AJ let’s him take control.
Jericho counters AJ into walls of jericho out of nowhere. AJ struggles to bottom rope. Jericho releases the hold. Jericho botches springboard DDT by AJ. Top rope facebuster on Jericho by AJ after both struggle for dominance. AJ with a fall away kick. Jericho counters into Walls of Jericho. AJ struggles and counters it into Calf Crusher. Jericho fights out of it.
Jericho ducks a springboard forearm and converts it into Codebreaker. Jericho goes for the cover, but AJ kicks out.AJ fights back with an Inverted facebuster. Jericho kicks out at two. Both wrestlers look drained. After multiple attempts, AJ connects with Styles Clash. AJ goes for cover. Jericho kicks out at two to AJ’s shock.
Jericho mounts a comeback. He goes for Lionsault. Aj raises the knees and counters it. Aj with a springboard 360 splash. Jericho kicks out at two again. AJ goes for the Springboard Forearm. Jericho counters it into codebreaker.Jericho covers styles and wins.
- Syles performs a top rope facebuster on jericho after a huge struggle for dominance.
- Jericho counters a fall away kick into Walls of Jericho, Styles counters into Calf Crusher.
- Both Jericho and Styles kicking out of Styles Clash and Codebreaker respectively.