Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose, No Holds Barred Street Fight Match
Brock Lesnar delivers a german suplex to Ambrose. Fans start to count. Brock delivers one suplex after the other. There seems to be no stopping him. Ambrose gets thrown around the ring like a rag doll. Ambrose keeps coming after each suplex. The count is upto 5 in just five minutes into the match.
Ambrose taunts Lesnar. Lesnar sends Ambrose outside. Belly to bely suplex on the floor. Lesnar brings Dean into the ring again. Ambrose slaps Lesnar defiantly. An angry Lesnar delivers one more suplex sending Ambrose outside. The count is now 9.
Ambrose uses a fire extinguisher to create distance between him and Lesnar. Ambrose comes in with Kendo stick. He uses it on Lesnar. It seems to have effect. Lesnar counters with another suplex. Lesnar mocks Ambrose and breaks a Kendo stick. Lesnar taunts Ambrose with the remaining Kendo stick. Dean Ambrose mounts some offense and creates distance.
Ambrose goes outside. Ambrose checks out Terry Funk’s saw. It is not working. Lesnar catches him off guard. Back and forth action. Ambrose fills the ring with chairs. Lesnar is reeling inside the ring. Ambrose looks at Mick Foley’s barbed bat. He brings it in.
Lesnar counters with another suplex. Ambrose lands on the chair pile. Lesnar finishes off witha F5.
Results: Brock Lesnar wins via pinfall
Lesnar delivers a belly to belly suplex to Ambrose on the floor outside.
Dean Ambrose slaps Lesnar after taking more than 8 suplexes.
Ambrose uses a fire extinguisher to create the distance between him and Lesnar.
Lesnar delivers a German Suplex followed by a devastating F5 to Ambrose on the top of a chair pile.