#4 Titus O'Neil
Titus O'Neil will possibly go down as the most underutilised, unused and wasted talent in WWE history.
Just look at the 39-year old, he has all the tools. The build, the strength, the mic skills and the social media charisma. Titus is everything the WWE wants in a mid-card talent but for some reason, Vince McMahon has repeatedly devalued his use on the main roster.
Instead of becoming the dominant heel his body suggests he should be, he's become a lower card comedy act on Monday nights. It's time to revive the career of a talent that was once so promising and present him as a legit threat to the babyfaces of Raw.
Why does the WWE persist in wasting talented individuals on the roster and then complaining that nobody has 'grabbed the brass ring'. It's a farce. Use your guys according to their worth and they'll get over. It's time for O'Neil to finally make it on the big stage by eliminating 29 other men and winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.