#4 Batista wins clean

Although I think Triple H will walk away with his in-ring career intact, WWE could always swerve us somehow.
A lot of the times the outcomes of certain matches aren't even determined until the day of a show or a PPV.
While this probably isn't one of those matches that will be decided at the last moment, a huge swerve of Batista winning would set up a huge storyline for post-'Mania.
With Triple H's in-ring career done, how will he handle it? Will he bow out graciously and accept a 'WWE civilian life' or will he refuse to go down kicking and screaming?
The main reason for this match is two-fold - Batista wants one last match with The Game and Triple H needs to get a win over The Animal in his career.
A more shocking outcome would be to have Batista power bomb The Game into oblivion and make good on his promise to end Triple H's career.
Since the stipulation means there will be a lot of high spots and brutality, Batista could be the man to end Triple H's career by picking up a clean win at 'Mania.