Sheamus returned to the WWE after a long layoff when he entered the Royal Rumble. Over the period of his absence, there were a lot of changes in the WWE landscape and the Celtic Warrior only seems to be adapting to those changes as weeks pass.
Being in the last four of the Royal Rumble was a great start of things for him however, it needs to be carried forward in a good manner if he is to be utilized in a proper way at WrestleMania.
Currently, Sheamus is being injected into the WWE title scene with a position in the Elimination Chamber but we all know the chances of him walking out as the champion from the match and going on to headline WrestleMania is as slimmer as they get.
Thus the creative has a headache of booking him through the WrestleMania so that he will look credible once the pay-per-view concludes. There might be a plethora of options for doing that but let’s take a look at the best one possible.
The Chamber Match and initiation
There are no doubts to whether Sheamus will win the title or not, because he will not. This leaves the chamber open for the creative to explore new paths for the great white.
With the lights of Cena, Cesaro, Orton, Christian and Daniel Bryan in the mix, the company could make Sheamus, Orton and Bryan the last three survivors thus setting the stage for the twist.
Sheamus could then be eliminated by Orton leaving Bryan destined to win the match. However, the director of operations wouldn’t want that.
Kane would run out from the back in order to make sure Bryan doesn’t win the title. But the big red monster will be stopped in his tracks by a brogue kick as Sheamus would be the savior of Bryan.
Bryan will go on to win the title as Sheamus will gain more fan love since he helped Bryan win by knocking out Kane.
The New Enemy
Winning the title, Bryan is sure to headline WrestleMania against Batista leaving Kane powerless to do anything more.
But the Big Red Monster won’t sit pretty eating that fact. He would go out to make Sheamus’ life a hell since it was him who booked Bryan’s ticket to WrestleMania.
Kane would start to punish Sheamus by putting him in handicap or tough matches. Being the fighting Irishman he is, Sheamus would come out of each one as the victor leaving Kane furious. Some trademark Fella taunting from Sheamus will make the monster go wild.
I’m getting the mask
With none of his handpicked superstars unable to defeat Sheamus, Kane would come out and say that he will do the job himself.
He wouldn’t mind getting his hands dirty to get the revenge and will challenge Sheamus for a match at WrestleMania. With the history of not backing out from any fight, Sheamus would easily accept that match setting an encounter between the two at WrestleMania.
Now this would be a great decision since it will end the current Kane- Bryan situation giving Bryan greater things to explore. A rusty Kane is not worth battling Bryan at WrestleMania thus making it the ideal match for both Sheamus and Kane.
Sheamus vs. Kane (WrestleMania XXX)
It would be the battle of two big men at the grand stage as Kane will be looking to gain revenge on Sheamus.
The story backup will be an added bonus for the fans that are used to seeing random matches being booked at the pay-per-views. The size similarity will give a more than solid match which is worth watching.
The result could go either way but Kane winning would be more appropriate as he could go after Bryan once the WrestleMania concludes.
Sheamus meanwhile could come out and say Kane was the best man and look good. he could then be inserted into feuds with Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio or even any young heels in the company.
The after effect of this match will be a gain for everyone as Daniel Bryan, Kane, Sheamus, Batista and most importantly the fans will be engaged with it making this the best path for Sheamus.