Wrestlers who have battled with Vince McMahon on screen 

Vince McMahon's feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin defined the Attitude Era.
Vince McMahon's feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin defined the Attitude Era.

Shane McMahon has recently overtaken his father and sister for the 'most overbearing McMahon' in WWE. He has run rampant on both RAW and SmackDown just like his father did at the end of the 1990s and beginning of the 2000s.

Vince's tyranny helped WWE finally put WCW out of business, essentially ending its last real competitor. While many other promotions did still exist between then and now, none posed as big a threat to WWE as WCW.

The feud between Mr. McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin essentially solidified the 'Evil Mr. McMahon' character in WWE. But even though the feud with Austin is probably the most popular and recognizable, the fact is that Vince has feuded with and battled with many other stars on screen.

From battling the likes of DX and Daniel Bryan, Vince has picked and chosen which Superstars to torment during various points in WWE history. Here are seven wrestlers who Vince has feuded with at different times.

#7 Daniel Bryan

The original 'B+ player' storyline involved Mr. McMahon telling Bryan that he wasn't good enough to be WWE Champion.
The original 'B+ player' storyline involved Mr. McMahon telling Bryan that he wasn't good enough to be WWE Champion.

Before the whole 'Kofi Kingston isn't good enough' run to WrestleMania 35, the first version of it happened between Daniel Bryan and Mr. McMahon prior to WrestleMania 30. After Bryan won the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from John Cena at SummerSlam the year prior, it kicked off one of the most memorable storylines in WWE history.

Triple H was ringside for the match between Cena and Bryan but Pedigreed Bryan shortly after he had just won. It led to Randy Orton cashing in Money in the Bank on Bryan and taking the championship. Orton and Bryan would fight over the title for the following months, with Bryan getting screwed at every turn.

McMahon's whole argument was that Bryan was too small and didn't fit the mold of Superstars like Cena and Orton in order to represent the WWE as its champion. 'The Chairman' called Bryan 'a pretty good hand' and a 'B+ player'.

Stephanie and Triple H continued to push that narrative and the Authority was reformed with the power couple in charge. They even tried to get Bryan to wear a suit and shave his beard. Can you imagine Bryan without his signature beard? It all culminated with Bryan winning the belts in the main event of WrestleMania 30.

#6 Kevin Owens

KO got physical with 'the Chairman' back in September of 2017.
KO got physical with 'the Chairman' back in September of 2017.

Although it was brief, Owens has stood across the ring from 'the Chairman'. It was during Owens' run on SmackDown where he and AJ Styles were feuding over the United States Championship. Shane McMahon was still the Commissioner of SmackDown but was getting involved in the feud between Owens and Styles.

After Owens had enough of Shane's involvement, he was eventually confronted in the ring by Mr. McMahon. As he usually does, he talked down to Owens and said that both he would be facing Shane in a Hell in a Cell match at the following PPV.

Before Vince could leave the ring, Owens attacked 'the Chairman', both headbutting him like in the above photo while also laying him out after a frog splash from the top rope. When everything was said and done, Vince was left with some blood on his face.

If you don't remember, Owens won the Hell in a Cell match after Shane jumped off the top of the cell and Sami Zayn pulled him (Owens) off of the announce table. While the encounter may have been short, Mr. McMahon stilled interjected himself into Owens' business.

#5 Roman Reigns

Vince has attempted to terrorize Reigns more than once.
Vince has attempted to terrorize Reigns more than once.

As we all know, Mr. McMahon often makes himself an obstacle to be overcome for some of the top stars in the WWE. He did it with The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and at times, Triple H and Shawn Michaels. As they have been pushing Reigns as the new face of the company a few years ago, McMahon has confronted 'the Big Dog' on a few different occasions.

One situation happened back in 2015 when Reigns was chasing the WWE Championship. It was clear he was being pushed as the new face of the WWE. After Seth Rollins abdicated his title due to injury, a tournament to crown a new champion was held in November of that year.

The finals came down to Reigns and Dean Ambrose, and after Reigns won the title, Sheamus cashed in his Money in the Bank contract on Reigns in order to win the title. The two men would continue to battle over the title until the Royal Rumble of 2016 when the McMahons made Reigns put his title up for grabs and start the match as the first participant.

During that feud, McMahon ran down the Samoan lineage of Reigns and stated that he used the blood and sweat of Reigns' relatives to make money. They both exchanged blows, but it wouldn't be the last time.

More recently during the Superstar Shake Up this year, McMahon was set to announce 'the biggest acquisition in SmackDown history'. He played it off that that acquisition was Elias, but we all knew it was Reigns. 'The Big Dog' then walked to the ring and Superman punched the Chairman. That has been the impetus for Reigns currently feuding with Shane and his minions.

#4 Shawn Michaels/DX

Michaels and McMahon have had a few interesting feuds with each other.
Michaels and McMahon have had a few interesting feuds with each other.

Like Reigns, Michaels has also had a few different feuds with 'the Chairman'. One involved Triple H and DX opposing both Shane and Vince McMahon. DX was doing their usual mockery of the McMahons and it led to the Spirit Squad getting involved at one point.

The main feud that I remember is when Mr. McMahon was directly battling with Michaels. As they attacked each other and ran each other down during the episodes of RAW, things culminated with a No Holds Barred match at WrestleMania 22 in 2006.

'The Heartbreak Kid' won the match, but another No Holds Barred match was booked for the next PPV after 'Mania, Backlash. Michaels had returned to the WWE a few years prior, claiming that he had changed his ways and found religion.

Mr. McMahon mocked him and his new-found religion by booking the match with 'God' as Michaels' partner against both Shane and Vince McMahon. Since 'God' didn't appear, it turned into a handicapped match, won by the McMahons. 'The Chairman' will use almost any angle to make money and this feud was proof of that.

#3 Bret Hart

The Hart vs. McMahon feud culminated with a match between the two at WrestleMania 26.
The Hart vs. McMahon feud culminated with a match between the two at WrestleMania 26.

The seeds for this feud started back during the infamous 'Montreal Screw Job' that saw Mr. McMahon basically screw Hart out of successfully defending the WWF World Championship in his final WWF match. Shawn Michaels had Hart in a Sharpshooter and even though Hart hadn't tapped out, McMahon forced the timekeeper to ring the bell as if he had.

It spurned Hart on his way out as he was headed to WCW. The two sides would not communicate for years as the Owen Hart tragedy also pushed the sides further apart. Nearly 13 years later, Hart returned to the WWE and had a major confrontation with Mr. McMahon over how he had treated Hart and his legendary family. It was monumental because Hart had previously badmouthed McMahon at every turn because of 'the Montreal Screw Job'.

As things spilled over to involve John Cena (who backed Hart) and Batista (who backed McMahon), it led to an eventual match between the two older men at WrestleMania 26. As McMahon made his way to the ring, he was followed by most of the Hart Family as they had been 'bought off' by McMahon. Bruce Hart was even the guest referee. But it didn't take long for the Harts to side with Bret as he finally got his revenge on Mr. McMahon.

#2 Kofi Kingston

Mr. McMahon's most recent target was Kofi Kingston during the build to WrestleMania 35.
Mr. McMahon's most recent target was Kofi Kingston during the build to WrestleMania 35.

If you paid attention to the Road to WrestleMania, you couldn't have missed the ongoing tensions between Kofi Kingston and Mr. McMahon. Although it didn't turn physical like many of his other feuds, McMahon routinely showed up on SmackDown to consistently deter Kingston from getting a much-deserved title shot.

Kingston had been on fire right before Elimination Chamber and his perseverance after 11 years of not getting a main title shot finally caught fire. He would consistently face obstacle after obstacle from McMahon, from being replaced in one match to having to survive a gauntlet match in order to 'earn' his title shot.

McMahon used the usual 'you aren't good enough' rhetoric that was used during the Daniel Bryan feud. Only this time, Bryan was also saying that Kingston wasn't good enough. At times, McMahon's actions just seemed mean, like pitting him in handicap matches and also pulling the rug out from under Kingston's feet. In the end, however, it all worked as Kingston won the title at WrestleMania 35 and still has it.

#1 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

This was one of the tamer moments between McMahon and 'the Texas Rattlesnake'.
This was one of the tamer moments between McMahon and 'the Texas Rattlesnake'.

The most memorable and legendary Superstar that has feuded with 'the Chairman of the Board' has to be 'the Texas Rattlesnake', Stone Cold Steve Austin. It was a big reason why WWE won the Monday Night Wars and it spanned multiple shows and PPVs.

They had several matches and even started and finished a Royal Rumble together in 1999. McMahon ended up winning that match after the two enemies had fought all over the building during the match.

From dousing the McMahons with a beer truck to holding a fake gun up to Vince's head, there are no shortage of memorable moments from their feud. It's what made it so hard to believe that the two men actually aligned together at one point. Both men were 'arrested' at various points and even Jim Ross was involved at various junctures due to his allegiance to Austin.

Now every time the two men are together in the ring, it's only a matter of time before Austin hits a Stunner on 'the Chairman'. McMahon really lorded over the WWE during this time and their feud and it was a precursor to his involvement with other Superstars from then until even this year with Kingston.

Vince Russo answers who killed WCW HERE

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