#1 Johnny Gargano vs. Tommaso Ciampa

Superb as Flair and Lynch have been, there was never any doubt which feud would win the award. For the past year, Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa have been telling one of the best stories WWE has ever written and giving us all-time classic matches in the process. The twists and turns continue.
Ciampa finally returned after eight months following Gargano's classic in Philadelphia. From there, he would dominate Gargano's mind throughout the year, slowly twisting it until it became a deranged, grotesque parody of itself.
Their war became a total one, consuming innocent bystanders in the process. It cost Aleister Black both his championship and three months.
The latest twist is that DIY might reunite under dubious terms. Ricochet might find himself the next to be consumed by the fires of this war. We'll have to see if any of these possibilities come to pass. A great story always keeps you enthralled.