4: DX invades WCW
The late 1990’s in professional wrestling is known as being the most lucrative time in the business for everyone involved. Ratings were at an all-time high and WCW and WWE battled it out every Monday night to see who would come out on top. The rivalry was so heated that at one time, Eric Bischoff started giving away Raw results on WCW programming, with Raw being taped every other week and WCW live every week. Bischoff would berate Vince and the WWE week after week before WWE finally retaliated.
On April 27, 1998 WWE hit back when WCW and WWE were holding shows miles away from each other near Norfolk, Virginia. DX led by Triple H, put on camouflage, got into a jeep, and launched a full-scale assault on Monday Nitro, all of which was broadcast live on Monday Night Raw. It was an unforgettable moment in the history of professional wrestling with one of WWE’s top guys and his mates outside WCW’s venue with a loudspeaker.
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WCW had no idea at how to deal with the DX Invasion and when DX tried to drive a truck into the stadium, WCW management decided to not let them enter the WCW venue which only made WCW look like a bunch of cowards. After spending years telling their fans that they wanted an all-out war with the WWE, WCW blinked, no matter what the reason was.
Road Dogg, Bad Ass Billy Gunn, X-Pac, Triple H, and Chyna spent the rest of the Raw in the streets with the fans getting them to swear alleigence to fans, some of whom even had WCW t-shirts on.