Rumours are always fun as long as it's not about us.Professional wrestling is almost synonymous with rumours. Ever since the internet came into prevalence, the sheer amount of rumours going around about the wrestling business has been on a constant rise.Some of them made a lot of sense and materialised as well. However, there was always the other category of rumours that shocked us and blurred the line between reality and kayfabe.A lot of them were resolved, but there are still some unbelievable rumours out there that make the WWE fans scratch their head.All of these may sound either utterly ridiculous or extremely shocking; we, as fans, always find pleasure in peeking into a wrestler’s personal life. So here is a look at some of the most shocking WWE rumours ever.
#1 The Montreal screw job was fake
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Professional wrestling is at its best when fans are not able to tell between what’s real and kayfabe. ECW was a pioneer in this, and that’s why they are still celebrated even after a decade since its extinction.
WWE also had some moments like this, and to top of that list is the infamous Montreal Screwjob. The incident is well recorded, and repeating what happened once again would be redundant.
Now everyone thinks that it was real, but what if it was just part of a work?
There are a lot of indications that suggest the Montreal Screwjob was indeed fake. And if someone comes out and admits it, it would go down in history as one of the best swerves that WWE has pulled off on its fans.
#2 Vince McMahon wanted to be the American president
If buying Newcastle United wasn’t shocking enough, Vince McMahon had even greater planes: he wanted to become the President of the United States. No, he didn’t actually, but the rumours on the internet suggested so.
The rumour came to light in 2010, when Vince’s wife Linda McMahon was running for the Senate, which may have been one of the reasons why WWE turned PG. Rumours suggested that Vince wanted to have his own political career. It didn’t stop there; they even ran a storyline that Vince was planning for his presidential run.
The run never materialised (thankfully or not) but if it had, McMahon would’ve most probably piled up the votes of every WWE fan out there, in turn taking him up the political ladder.
#3 Daniel Bryan was fired for making Triple Hs children cry
No, Daniel Bryan didn’t steal cookies and milk from Hunter’s children, but he did scare them. During the original Nexus run, Daniel Bryan was fired for strangling ring announcer Justin Roberts with his tie.
It wasn’t a big deal compared to the things that happened between the ropes, but Bryan got fired on the grounds that the sponsors didn’t like what they saw. That might have been true considering how ‘PG’ the WWE product is, but a certain rumour about the incident made much more sense.
Triple H’s children were watching the show on television and they apparently cried seeing Bryan’s antics. This enraged Hunter, who in turn decided that Bryan was not suited for the PG television. WWE re-hired Bryan later and the rest was history.
#4 Vince McMahon wanted to buy Newcastle United
John Cena as the top striker, Great Khali as the goalkeeper, Rey Mysterio could have probably been the winger.
Vince had the idea of expanding his business in the United Kingdom, and buying Premier League side Newcastle United was one of the shortcuts he apparently found.
The Newcastle fans didn’t take the rumour seriously, but this had the potential to change both the Premier League landscape and the WWE Universe. Newcastle would’ve matched the money power of big names like Chelsea and Manchester United while the people in United Kingdom would’ve seen more of the WWE superstars.
#5 Mark Henry was supposed to break the streak
Before Paul Heyman and his client, Brock Lesnar, did the unthinkable at WrestleMania, there was a lot of debate going around the wrestling world about who would end the Undertaker’s legendary streak at WrestleMania.
While names like John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton made sense, there was one more name that made everyone scratch their heads, Mark Henry.
And to no one’s surprise, it was apparently Vince McMahon who was behind the idea. Vince even thought that Henry would sell more merchandise than The Rock, according to Mick Foley’s biography (no need to rub those eyes or scratch that head).
Fortunately for the fans and The Undertaker, someone somewhere thought the idea was bad and pulled it down.
#6 The Undertaker and pornstar Jenna Jameson
Those who say that they don’t know Jenna Jameson would probably be lying. She is one of the most accomplished pornstars in the business and a bestselling author. Her book “How to make Love Like a Porn star” was an instant hit in the market and it surprisingly had a link to professional wrestling.
She said that she hung out with ‘The Undertaker’ when she was 16 and accused The Undertaker of hitting on her. She also said that the Deadman wanted to kidnap her after beating up her boyfriend. All of this led to a lot of rumours about the two dating.
This could’ve easily been a publicity stunt by her to sell her book, and The Undertaker never came out and acknowledged this, and we may never know the truth.
#7 Jennifer Aniston dated Rey Mysterio
Jennifer Aniston shot to fame as an actor thanks to the success of ‘Friends’ back in the 90s. Rey Mysterio, on the other hand, was a mainstay in the WCW cruiserweight division.
And the two – the most unlikeliest of people to know each other – were rumoured to be dating. The rumour even found its place in one of the leading magazines, which was not exactly weird considering how popular both professional wrestling and Friends were back then.
The rumours were going strong for years due to both parties not reacting, but Rey later put it to bed in his autobiography saying that there was no relationship between the two.
#8 There were two Ultimate Warriors
The relationship between Ultimate Warrior and WWE was never pretty. They had a lot of arguments in his time in WWE and in 1991, he walked out of the company after a contract argument.
Warrior, however, returned a year later at WrestleMania 8, albeit with a completely different look. He had a different body and hairstyle, which gave birth to this rumour. The rumour speculated that the original Ultimate Warrior was dead and WWE replaced him with another one.
With the face paint on, it wasn’t easy to ignore the rumour. The late Jim Hellwig, who played the Ultimate Warrior, came out to dispel the rumour.
#9 Ben Stiller, wrestling and marijuana
Marijuana and professional wrestling in the same sentence not only leads to Rob Van Dam’s name; Hollywood star Ben Stiller should also be included into the group if this rumour is true.
During the Attitude Era, in 1999 to be precise, Stiller made an appearance on Monday Night Raw. The producers couldn’t initially find him despite the scheduled appearance and former WWE writer Vince Russo claims to have found him later smoking marijuana with Road Dogg and X-Pac.
The reason for this turning out to be just a rumour is that it came out from the mouth of Vince Russo, whose past statements haven’t been the gospel truth. But considering that Stiller was willing to take a bump on the head later that night, he could’ve taken a shot at a doobie to ease the pain.
#10 Randy Savage gave Hulk Hogan a black eye at WrestleMania 9
If a list of the worst wrestling shows is to be compiled, WrestleMania 9 would rank high on that list.
It wasn’t going to be remembered for its wrestling action, but one thing that stood out was Hulk Hogan’s black eye. Hogan came into the event with his left eye blacked out and the rumours started doing the rounds that it was Randy Savage’s gift.
Randy was known to be very possessive of his wife Miss Elizabeth and Hogan was rumoured to have had an affair with her. So when Randy found out, he apparently spared no time in punching Hulkster in the face and giving him a black eye.
#11 Randy Orton pooping in a divas bag
A senior wrestler making fun of the newbies backstage is nothing new in the wrestling business. There have been a lot of similar stories over the years, and the one involving Randy Orton was far too funny to be excluded from this list.
The victim of the story was Rochelle Loewen – who was initially signed by WWE as a model. She didn’t spend much time in the company and when she walked out, she talked about how Orton made a mess of her belongings backstage.
She said that her bag was full of tanning lotion and baby oil, poured into it by Orton, while the rumour doing the rounds was that Orton took a s***t in her bag. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how the fans turn baby lotion into poop.
#12 Litas Mexico run before WWE
Anyone who saw WWE’s documentary on Lita would know about her days in Mexico. Most of Lita’s training in wrestling came from the other side of the border, but one part of the story which didn’t find a place in the documentary was a rumour.
The grapevine suggested that the Hall of Famer did sexual favours for whoever who was willing to train her. It’s hard to know whether the story is true or not.
From there on, she embarked on a great career that redefined the divas division and became one of the benchmark for the divas.
#13 David Otunga is only in WWE because of Jenifer Hudson
For those who don’t remember David Otunga, don’t worry, you belong to the majority. He was the well-toned guy in the original Nexus that used to headline Monday Night Raw on certain occasions.
He did have a good body but lacked in several other departments, which is probably why he was removed from television. However, even after WWE fired Drew McIntyre, Evan Bourne and other talents, Otunga stayed on the payroll.
Heck, they even fired the Khali, but Otunga was still there. He never made it to television, never wrestled, but still got paid. And the apparent reason for that, according to the rumours, is his partner – Academy Award-winning actress Jenifer Hudson.