Ariya Daivari vs Jeff Brooks
Ariya Daivari slammed Brooks' face off the mat repeatedly, then slapped him across the face to wake him up. Brooks responded with a series of right hands. Daivari cut him off quickly, though, with a Rock Bottom and Hammerlock Lariat.
Results: Ariya Daivari defeated Jeff Brooks via pinfall.
Daivari continued to beat down the local talent after the match, sending a message to the 205 Live locker room. If Daivari was lucky, The Brian Kendrick noticed and was impressed. With both men looking to send a similar message, we may be nearing a new dangerous alliance between the t
We saw some highlights of Jack Gallagher's breakdown a few months back. Following a series of losses, the Gentleman went crazy and tore ringside apart.
When several officials and 205 Live GM Drake Maverick rushed the ring to stop him, he met Maverick with a headbutt, knocking him out.
Gallagher has been suspended for two months. However, as of tonight, Gallagher's suspension has been lifted and he may return to 205 Live whenever he's ready.