"A better 205 Live!"
We then cut to Drake Maverick backstage talking about the tournament culminating at WrestleMania to a production assistant before being interrupted by Drew Gulak!
Drew Gulak presented Maverick with a bunch of roses, and Maverick gave the flowers to the production assistant after Drew left.
We then saw Mustafa Ali sitting down and speaking to the camera about his incredible match last week with Cedric Alexander. He said they tore the house down, had "this is awesome chants" and it was all great.. .and then he lost the match. Ali said that part wasn't awesome but it's okay as the new tournament meant that last week was just the wake up call he needed to punch his ticket to WrestleMania.
TJP is then interviewed backstage but barely says anything as he is interrupted by Drake Maverick. The new GM introduces himself to TJP and talks about how the CWC was a long time ago.
Maverick told TJP that he faces a very hungry man tonight in the first-ever United Kingdom Champion Tyler Bate, and asked what TJP would show up, the one from CWC or the one who whines and complains when he doesn't get his way?
We then got our last video package, Akira Tozawa in full Vince McMahon mode, strutting down the corridor and saying he was disappointed not to get the job as General Manager, but that he can instead focus on winning the Cruiserweight Championship again.