The Bollywood Boys were sad about the way things have been going for the 205 Live originals Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari. They claimed that Ever-Rise was to blame, and now that they've taken care of them, Samir and Sunil were just a phone call away.
Raul Mendoza w/Joaquin Wilde vs. Curt Stallion on 205 Live
The latest rising star in 205 Live locked up with cruiserweight veteran Raul Mendoza. Stallion was hung up on the top, allowing Mendoza to hit a stiff missile dropkick off the top rope. Mendoza battered Stallion, hitting a clothesline in the corner and a seated dropkick that nearly took Stallion's head off.
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Some trash talk from Mendoza woke Stallion up. A striking combination sent him to the floor where Stallion hit a suicide dive. Back inside, a running boot in the corner dazed Mendoza. Stallion hit a running knee and running dropkick before spiking Mendoza with the double foot trapped DDT for a two-count.
A leaping double stomp to the chest and jaw dropped Mendoza for another close call. As Stallion moved up, Mendoza cut him off at the pass. Stallion shoved Mendoza off but was caught with a handspring enziguri. Mendoza followed that up with a springboard frankensteiner for a close call.
A roundhouse rocked Stallion, but a pumphandle maneuver was countered into a victory roll for Stallion, giving him a massive win over Legado Del Fantasma.
Results: Curt Stallion defeated Raul Mendoza via pinfall on 205 Live.
Grade: A-
Legado Del Fantasma attacked Stallion after the match, looking to send the 205 Live rookie a message. They hit the leaping roundhouse/leg sweep combination, leaving Stallion out cold on the mat.
Stallion got the win in the 205 Live main event, but that definitely didn't seem like the case by the end of the night. As Legado Del Fantasma celebrated at the top of the ramp, the NXT Cruiserweight Champion stood at the top of the ramp, with the title in tow. Santos Escobar has recognized Stallion for his ability, but now the young Superstar has a target on his back.