205 Live opened up with the weekly video recap, with GM Drake Maverick congratulating Mustafa Ali on his win last week. Ali will challenge Buddy Murphy for the Cruiserweight Championship at Survivor Series.
TJP and Mike Bennett would face off against Lucha House Party, with the masked trio looking to get some much-needed revenge. With TJP stealing all three of their masks over the past few months, this was a must-win match for LHP.
Finally, the main event featured the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, returning to action for the first time since winning the title at WWE Super Show-Down. Murphy faced off against NXT UK and 205 Live superstar Mark Andrews. Murphy looked to build up some momentum tonight before the big title defense at Survivor Series.
TJP & Mike Kanellis w/Maria Kanellis vs Lucha House Party (Lince Dorado & Kalisto)
While making his way down to the ring, TJP's recent shenanigans were replayed, showing him stealing Gran Metalik's mask last week. Lucha House Party was short a man this week, with Gran Metalik not traveling to the UK for the tour.
TJP began the match with Kalisto. The CruiserGreat quickly went after the mask of Kalisto, but the former United States Champion was able to stay one step ahead of him. Kalisto dropped TJP with a dropkick, then tagged in Dorado, and the Lucha stars delivered some unique offense, leaving TJP scrambling for the corner.
Kanellis tagged himself in but was quickly forced to the outside via a double clothesline from Dorado and Kalisto.
Kanellis and Dorado then locked up, and the Golden Lynx easily outmaneuvered his opponent. However, with a distraction from Kanellis, TJP was able to take Dorado down with a cheap shot.
The heels then began to wear down Dorado, targetting his legs in an attempt to weaken his high flying ability. Kanellis continued to overpower Dorado, connecting with two running clotheslines in the corner followed by a running big boot. Dorado kicked out at two.
Kanellis tagged TJP in, and the former Cruiserweight Champion locked Dorado down in the middle of the ring with a headlock. Lince Dorado, however, broke out and avoided an attack from TJP who went sailing over the top ropes. Dorado then caught Kanellis with a triangle dropkick before tagging in Kalisto.
Kalisto's quick feet left TJP stunned, as he connected with multiple kicks. However, a sneaky tag from Kanellis allowed the team to get the advantage yet again, dragging Kalisto out before he could connect with the kneeling rana.
Kanellis drove Kalisto into the barricade with a Russian leg sweep, then sent him back inside. Kanellis tried to keep the upper hand using his power, but Kalisto planted him with a DDT, tagging in Dorado afterward.
With TJP tagged in, Dorado easily took out his opponent with a superkick followed by three moonsaults.
That would've been it, had Kanellis not broken up the tag. However, Kanellis would pay for that move when Lince Dorado connected with a Golden Rewind on both he and TJP, sending them outside.
Kalisto and Dorado then took out their opponents with moonsaults to the outside. Dorado brought TJP in and looked to finish him off, but TJP locked in the kneebar.
Kalisto broke it up, then took Kanellis out with a suicide dive. TJP took Dorado's mask off once again but was shocked when he turned around to see that Dorado was wearing a second mask. Dorado then defeated TJP with a hurricanrana pinning combo.
Results: Lucha House Party defeated TJP and Mike Kanellis w/Maria Kanellis.
After the match, Kanellis and TJP went to jump LHP, but Maria stopped them, seemingly wanting the duo to calm down before going back for round two.
Kalisto and Lince Dorado celebrated in the ring as Maria stood atop the ramp with her team, smiling.
In Orlando, Florida, Cedric Alexander was training at the Performance Center, only to be insulted by Lio Rush. Rush said that the former champion needed a match with the 23-year old piece of gold, trying to goad him into a match.
It worked, however, as Rush and Alexander will face off against each other next week.
Lio Rush vs Josh Morrell

After taunting Cedric Alexander, Lio Rush looked to pick up another impressive win. The Man of the Hour has yet to be pinned or submitted on 205 Live and planned on being Cedric Alexander's fourth loss in a row.
Morrell wanted a grappling match with Rush, who obliged, only to be surprised by his opponent's speed. Morrell picked up the first bit of offense in the match, connecting with a huge enziguri, driving Rush into the corner. Rush chased Morrell across the ring but was met by a boot to the jaw.
Before he could make his way to the top rope, Rush knocked him off with an enziguri, sending him crashing to the floor.
Rush dominated Morrell from here on out. Rush connected with the Final Hour for a quick victory.
Results: Lio Rush defeated Josh Morrell via pinfall.
Rush's smile faded away quickly when he was stunned by Morrell early in the bout. The M.O.T. H. seemed to be even more dangerous when he loses his arrogance.
After the match, he went back to his cocky ways, dedicating his win to Cedric Alexander. Rush said that he respected Alexander's work ethic, but nobody works harder than the 23-year-old piece of gold. He finished off by saying that the Age of Alexander will meet his Final Hour.

A self-recorded Mustafa Ali promo is played. The Heart of 205 Live broke down his path to this upcoming title match. Ali said that he's no longer a "maybe." At Survivor Series, he'll be called "champion."
Next week, Akira Tozawa will team with The Brian Kendrick to face Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher.
Non-Title match: Buddy Murphy vs Mark Andrews
Buddy Murphy entered the arena first, while a pre-recorded promo played. Murphy said that, no matter how hard Ali has worked to get where he is now, there's no stopping the unstoppable. There's no stopping a Juggernaut.
Mark Andrews has had a pretty impressive run on NXT UK thus far and even managed to defeat Wolfgang last week. Tonight, Andrews faced his biggest challenge yet in the Cruiserweight Champion.
Murphy's size advantage was evident, as he looked to keep Andrews on the ground. Andrews did manage to get Murphy off his feet for a second but missed a standing moonsault. Murphy launched Andrews into the corner but was forced to chase his opponent around the ring.
Murphy caught Andrews who was attempting a hurricanrana, but he was still able to turn it into a pin attempt, nearly picking up the victory. Andrews sent Murphy to the outside, then connected with a hurricanrana over the ropes to the outside.
Back inside the ring, Murphy caught Andrews going for a tilt-a-whirl DDT, lawn darting him straight into the middle turnbuckle. Murphy took over at this point, sending Andrews flying across the ring. Any attempt to chop Murphy down was met with the Juggernaut's brute force, pelting Andrews with harsh elbow strikes and punches.
After minutes of abuse from the champion, Andrews shocked Murphy and the crowd with a reverse hurricanrana out of nowhere, spiking Murphy and sending him to the outside. Andrews then dove out with a suicide dive, sending Buddy Murphy over the announcer's desk.
Andrews kept up the offense, not giving Murphy the chance to breathe, and connected with a beautiful running senton, elevating himself off the steel steps.
Back inside, Murphy tried to put his opponent away with the Murphy's Law, but it was countered by a roll-up which led to a double foot stomp from Andrews.
Andrews repeatedly went for pinfall attempts, nearly picking up an upset over Murphy. Murphy got back to his feet, and the two cruiserweights began trading strikes. Murphy caught Andrews out of mid-air going for a tornado DDT. Andrews almost turned it back in his favor with a hurricanrana, but Murphy finally planted him in the middle of the ring with a sit-out powerbomb.
Murphy attempted a stalling suplex, but Andrews turned it into the Stundog Millionaire. However, as he went for the Shooting Star Press, Murphy put his knees up. Following a devastating running knee, the champion put the NXT UK star away with Murphy's Law.
Results: Buddy Murphy defeated Mark Andrews via pinfall
Murphy had a tough challenge tonight against Mark Andrews. Though he lost tonight, Andrews put on a great performance, and will more than likely make an impact on NXT UK.
With Mark Andrews in the rearview mirror, Buddy Murphy sets his sights on his next challenger, the Heart of 205 Live, Mustafa Ali.