For entering the crowd- throw your opponent to one of the corners of the barricade in any Extreme Rules or TLC match. Then when your opponent starts to get up, throw the steel steps and quickly run over to the steps to get into the crowd.
To Play as Manager – select any wrestler except The Miz, then select Miz as your opponent. Then deselect Miz before the attire choosing option.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Then again change the wrestler to Miz, now the opponent will be changed to Mr. Fuji. Select Mr. Fuji again and de select Miz. After this, switch the slot and a list of manager will be available from which we can chose any one.
To break the ladder quickly- Keep the ladder vertically in the corner and whip your opponent on to it. Then doing a move like suplexes into the ladder will break the prop.
Tranquilizer Gun- by holding L2 and R2, press Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square , Square, Square at main menu to get the tranquilizer gun in the game.