Out of the many performers who were released by WWE a week ago, one name particularly enraged many fans. And maybe rightfully so. There wasn’t any role that Damien Sandow did not make entertaining since returning to WWE as the ‘Intellectual Savior of the Masses’. Every ridiculous antic he was made to do, he did it with style and made it entertaining.
Entertainment- isn’t that the coup de maître any performer aims to achieve through their performance. Well, Sandow was one of the most entertaining superstar WWE had until Creative had nothing for him and he was barely shown on TV. Here are the 5 greatest moments from his WWE career.
Is this man the funniest man in wrestling?
#5 The Intellectual Savior of The Masses
SILENCE! Let’s recapture the awesomeness that was this character. He may be the first one who had a relevant response to the ‘What’ Chants. He would say, ”Thank you for your irrelevant opinion“. And from that moment on, one knew that he was great on the mic.
He would never miss a step on the microphone and in the world of wrestling that skill means a lot. So, it’s a travesty to understand where exactly things went awry with the way his character was being written. Did he get in trouble with the wrong people?
He was doing just fine with this gimmick and was easily one of the best promo workers in the company.
#4 The Rhodes Scholars
One of the many tag teams that had potential but was abruptly put to rest by Creative – Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow arguably looked like the future of the company and here are two guys who could adapt to absolutely any character put in front of them, and they it did with this team they formed for their bourgeois supremacy over the masses that is the WWE Universe.
In the middle of this partnership, Rhodes was legit injured and that led to Sandow returning to singles competition and a few hilarious segments of him trying to find an apprentice. They regrouped but were eventually dissociated after what happened at Money In The Bank, which eventually led to Rhodes throwing that briefcase in the Gulf of Mexico.
#3 Money in the Bank
So, we now move on to Money In The Bank which plays the role of what the Intercontinental Title used to play in its heyday- build new superstars for the future. The one who wins it is more or less destined to be a big star in the long run. Of course, there are exceptions but only John Cena had lost his MITB opportunity in its short yet significant history.
When Sandow won after pushing his teammate away, it seemed like the upper echelon had finally understood what he was worth. It was as if his time had finally come but that moment was fleeting and Sandow lost more than he won after becoming Mr. MITB and eventually lost to Cena. This was only seen as a major burial and was rude shock after his MITB victory.
#2 Singing Randy Orton’s theme song
The proof of the fact that this guy was a pro on the microphone can be seen in almost any- ANY- segment he’s ever done. Whether it was as the ‘Intellectual’ heel or looking for an apprentice or holding segments making fun of Sheamus or talking about Country Music or calling the WWE Universe ‘Ignoramuses’ or simply doing off screen appearance- he was entertaining.
One of the most entertaining of the lot is him giving his own version of Orton’s them song.
#1 Mizdow
Possibly, the greatest run in Sandow’s WWE career and one of the best success, feel-good stories in the WWE was his turn as Miz’s body double. Miz being such a great heel also helped Sandow seem as endearing as he was. And this is the only character of Sandow’s which was given sufficient time to get over and how!
His alliance with Miz and the consequential feud provided for one of the best storylines heading into WrestleMania 31. His tremendous dedication at playing second fiddle to Miz was met with overwhelming support from the audience turning him face for the first time in his career. But he was what he was partly because of impersonating one of the best heels in Miz. As soon as the alliance broke away, so did the writing for his character.