Shane McMahon made his return to the WWE in the build up to Wrestlemania and it seems like the Prodigal Son is sticking around the company despite losing to the Undertaker at the event. This comes as welcome news to the many fans who have come to loath the Authority angle.
Currently, Shane and his sister Stephanie are running Raw together, but cracks are already visible in the regime. Shane isn’t averse to getting physical in the ring and the match against the Undertaker might not be the only one that Shane O’Mac might end up wrestling in the company in his second coming.
This list takes a look at the five people whom Shane can feud with in the WWE
1. The Authority
The obvious choice – Triple H and Stephanie have been positioned as the inheritors of the WWE once Vince McMahon steps down. This would logically result in a confrontation between the Prodigal Son and the Authority in the near future.
Shane’s return to the company after seven years away has been a breath of fresh air, but nobody would want to give up their spot. The fact remains that Vince McMahon owns nearly 50% of WWE stock whereas Stephanie, Shane and Triple H have just 2.47 %, 2.00 % and 0.77 % each.
There is no way to know for sure whether a rivalry exists in the McMahon household – even if it doesn’t, a story line is a guarantee.
2. Vince McMahon
Vince McMahon has always had a penchant for family drama onscreen – it seems likely that he would go for another one with his son involved. The Invasion angle may have come a little early in the father – son saga, but now is the time to intensify it.
Vince might not be in a position to wrestle Shane, but he can always hire goons to start a feud with Shane.
If you thought the McMahon family saga was over, think again – we might be in store for a rerun!!
3. Brock Lesnar
Let’s be honest – Brock Lesnar is running out of high profile names to face in the WWE. He has already feuded with the likes of John Cena, The Undertaker, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.
Who is left on the roster that Lesnar can feud with and draw a reaction??
The answer might be Shane McMahon. Lesnar has been positioned as a mercenary and it would not be unfathomable to see him become Vince’s enforcer in the latter’s feud with Shane.
Also, Shane’s in-ring move set is not that of a typical wrestler – he has a lot of wasted motion, something that would ideal for an opponent like Lesnar who works by slowing down his opponents.
Coast to Coast with Lesnar prone in the ring?? Could happen!!
4. Kevin Owens
One superstar who has constantly had a problem with Shane is the Prize fighter himself, Kevin Owens.
Shane denied Owens a one on one Intercontinental title rematch and heated words have been exchanged between them multiple times in recent memory. A feud with Shane would elevate Owens to a new level in the company, simply because he will be fighting a McMahon.
Can Owens become a henchman for Stephanie if she chooses to feud with Shane?? It is not a far-off.
5. The Undertaker
There is not much point in having this match again – except for the fact that the Undertaker is the only man Shane has had a match since his return. While Taker might have won their match at Wrestlemania and no story line seems to be set in place to extend the storyline, the feud seems too good to be settled with just one match.
Can Shane win a rematch against the Undertaker to avenge his ‘Mania loss??
If the match does happen, it won’t be a straight forward match. It will have the other McMahons written all over the build up.