One of the most infamous names in all of pro wrestling. Hate him or love him, it remains true that John Cena is one of the most well-known and biggest mega stars in the history of WWE.Cena is not well renowned as having an extensive move set but he does have many important moves that make him tick and probably more than most even realize.Let’s take a look now at five moves that make John Cena who he is today.
#1 Top rope leg drop bulldog
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Cena rarely goes to the top rope but when he does your sure to see him deliver leg drop bulldog (besides the occasional crossbody).
Cena has never been renowned as any sort of high flying aerialist, but this move does offer some high flying impact which helps increase excitement and get the audience on their feet.
The tope rope leg drop bulldog has never been a show stealing match ender but it is still an important part of Cena’s repertoire and also looks quite impressive.
#2 Flying Shoulder Block
The Flying Shoulder Blocks are generally only used as a set up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but they are still an important and unique part of Cena’s arsenal.
The shoulder blocks aren’t a super heavy hard hitting move but they have become a very common and distinctive part of Cena’s move set that stem from his college football background.
The flying shoulder blocks are now an integral part of Cena’s move set and have somewhat helped make him into the mega star he is today.
#3 STF
Next up is Cena’s primary finishing submission move, the STF (formally known as the STFU).
Cena began using the STF in 2005 and since then he has won numerous bouts with this submission including some high profile WrestleMania championship matches against the likes of Shawn Michaels, Batista and Triple H.
The STF involves locking an opponent’s leg back while reaching over and pulling on their neck/face. The submission is designed to target the foes Shoulders/Neck and in which case is very similar to a standard crossface.
Cena has adopted the STF and made it an important part of who he is today.
#4 Five Knuckle Shuffle
The Five Knuckle Shuffle itself is not exactly a very devastating, hard hitting or super effective move but it’s the theatrical elements involved that make it memorable.
Performed on a downed opponent, Cena does his ‘You Can’t See Me’ taunt while a large portion ofthe audience follows along (depending on the specific city). A bounce off the ropes, a quick shuffles shake-off before delivering a fist to the face of his foe.
The move doesn’t really look that effective but the dramatic theatrical actions have made it famous and serve as the perfect set up for his finishing move.
#5 AA
Originally called the FU (modelled on the F5 by Brock Lesnar) before it’s named was changed due to the new PG nature of the company, the Attitude Adjustment has put many men down on Cena’s reign as top dog.
The move isn’t overly spectacular looking but it is indeed super simple and super effective. It involves (as most of are probably well aware) lifting his opponent into a fireman’s carry position before throwing there off his shoulders, slamming there back into the mat.
The AA also allows Cena to display his incredible strength especially while lifting much heavier superstars like Big Show or Mark Henry.
The Attitude Adjustment has served as Cena’s main finisher for many years now and has won him numerous matches with it over the years including many different championships.