The king of kings, Triple H has been with WWE for so many years now and has proven himself to be a loyal commodity. He has now stepped up, taking full control of NXT which is thriving under his guidance and looks poised to someday take over fully from Vince McMahon as top dog. Slowly over time, HHH has been stepping further away from competing in the ring to being a full time backstage worker as well as in ring authority figure.However, whenever the game does decide to step foot inside the squared circle he is able to show off his impressive move set.Let’s take a look at 5 important moves now that make the game tick because that’s what is ‘best for business’.
#5 Facebreaker knee smash
The knee face breaker isn’t a super impressive move, but it has become an extremely important piece of Triple H’s legacy. The move may be fairly basic but it is still very effective.
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It is used solely as a counter or reversal to a back body drop. HHH is slung against the rope as his opponent prepares to flip him over by bending down. However the game is always well prepared and delivers a jumping knee to the face which allows him to regain momentum in a match.
#4 Jumping high knee
Triple H isn’t a huge individual but he still has a massively strong physique and utilizes a variety of power moves. This however is slightly different in that he uses his knees to strike and do damage.
The knee face breaker counter also uses his knees but it is much more prominent in this instance.
The running/jumping knee is as basic as it gets but still super effective. It simply involved HHH jumping towards an unfortunate foe and delivering a brutal knee to the face/body designed to maximise impact.
#3 Spinebuster
The Spinebuster is a fairly basic move but Triple H has adopted it to his own style and used it on a regular basis (when he was still consistently active).
Many men have used the spine buster as part of their repertoire but no one quite perfectly executes it as well as the king of kings himself, Triple H.
HHH picks opponents up into the air before driving them down with force, flat on their back. This is just another important piece of the games move set.
#2 Sledgehammer shot
The sledgehammer is a weapon that has become synonymous with the game, Triple H. A sledgehammer shot has become an extremely important and iconic part of the king of king’s arsenal.
Whenever you see HHH go under the ring looking for a weapon, you know he’s gonna come back out with his infamous sledgehammer.
This isn’t exactly an official move, and theoretically can only be used in no DQ environments (however HHH always found a way to sneak it in behind the refs back), but yet still the sledge hammer shot is arguably his most iconic move, possibly just losing out to his proper finishing move.
#1 Pedigree
The pedigree is Triple H’s signature finishing move that has won him nearly all of his biggest matches and huge accomplishments including numerous different important championships.
The pedigree has become an iconic finisher that Triple H has consistently for years. It is essentially a unique face breaker type move that always elicits a reaction from the crowd.
It involves HHH hooking the arms back of an opponent before driving their skulls directly face first into the mat. Of all Triple H’s impressive moves, the pedigree (along with his infamous sledgehammer) is by far the most important