5: Raising the Intercontinental Championship
At the end of Wrestlemania 31, John Cena was US champion and Daniel Bryan was Intercontinental Champion. The idea behind the move was to elevate the midcard championships which had long been ignored. John Cena’s run with the US title definitely elevated that belt till Kalisto’s disastrous current title reign which included a Wrestlemania 32 preshow title defense.
The IC title however, was another story. Daniel Bryan had to vacate it because of injury after which Ryback did nothing interesting with it. Recently, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose elevated the title including a scintillating feud against each other. However, the recent debacle with Zack Ryder and The Miz has once again threatened to undo all the good work done by Ambrose and Owens.
With Cesaro now being the number one contender for The Miz’s title, WWE has a chance to elevate the belt again. As entertaining as The Miz is, he isn’t a credible champion for a credible championship. Cesaro can beat The Miz at Payback and go on a long run with the belt.
He’s a great wrestler and can have great matches with anyone for the belt. Whether it’s a grizzled veteran like Jericho or newcomers like Sami Zayn or possibly Apollo Crews, the possibilities are endless. The matches will both be technically good and entertaining and can help Cesaro rise up the card to a possible future near the main event slot.