He gets to laugh as wellThe injury of Seth Rollins clearly changed the landscape of WWE. He was the reigning WWE Champion when he tore his ACL.With Rolling being sidelined for almost nine months, all the long term plans that WWE had for Rollins went down the drain just like that. The injury of Rollins certainly hurts a string of superstars and storylines but at the same time, there are two sides of the coin.If some people are going to be impacted badly by the injury of Rollins, there are going to be a list of other superstars who will be benefited. We are going to take a look at the latter category.
#6 Dean Ambrose

The injury of Seth Rollins opens up a big void in the roster. Rollins was the top heel in the company and most of the entries in this list will be based on the same fact.
Now, seeing Ambrose in the list, the first obvious question is "Ambrose is not heel, so how can he fill in the void of Rollins?"
Well, the answer to this is pretty simple. There aren’t many superstars in the current WWE roster who could be a better heel than Ambrose. The lunatic fringe is not going anywhere with his current babyface character, and the best thing that WWE could do is turn him heel.
He will be the top heel that WWE wants and since he replaces Rollins, it would open the chance of a possible Rollins vs. Ambrose feud in the future.
#5 Alberto Del Rio

While Ambrose has to turn heel to fill in the void of Seth Rollins, Alberto Del Rio can simply walk into the role.
His return at Hell in a Cell was a perfectly timed one and with his new manager Zeb Colter, Del Rio could be a main event level heel while Rollins is away.
The Mexamerica gimmick along with the brilliance of Zeb on the microphone and the in-ring excellence of Del Rio is a deadly combination. Del Rio has plenty of experience on top of the ladder and even if WWE does not give him a big push, he will move one step ahead in the heel ladder now that there is no one on the top.
#4 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens is the last and final superstar who will benefit due to the 'heel' factor that was mentioned in the first slide.
Just like the last two superstars mentioned, Kevin Owens is talented enough to be the top heel in the company. In fact, during his feud with John Cena, Owens surpassed Rollins during times with his performance.
He is currently holding the Intercontinental championship but if WWE finds a way through, Owens could end up being the new Authority guy in no time. Of course, he is not a prototype wrestler, but in reality, none of the actual fans actually care about the body these days, do we?
#3 Triple H

Triple H was the biggest force behind the reign of Seth Rollins.
He was the one who fuelled the intensity of Rollins and it got to a point where Rollins adopted Hunter’s finisher. Now that Rollins is out of the picture, it has opened up the door for Triple H to stand under the limelight and shine.
It doesn’t mean he has to wrestle. It only means that he should be directly involved with the title scene till Rollins return.
Hunter will have more opportunities to cut promos and take a shot at whoever wins the title in the end. Having so much television time will in turn let Hunter remind everyone his worth and the best part is, when Rollins returns, Hunter could get back into the ring with a main event level feud?
How, you'll find out soon in the coming slides.
#2 Honourable mention before the most benefited Superstar: CM Punk

Although there were rumors about the reigns of Rollins ending at Survivor Series, we all knew that there were intentions of breaking the modern era record of CM Punk.
WWE has already erased the record of AJ Lee from the books and Punk was an obvious target as well. However, now that Rollins is out, WWE has to relaunch their mission to change the record of Punk.
#1 Seth Rollins

The most benefited superstar from the injury of Seth Rollins is Rollins himself.
He did get a lot of appreciation for his reign once he was injured, but the same fans were cursing the WWE creative for making a fool out of him during the run. Now Rollins is going into injury as a hero and not a chicken heel that always found the easy way out.
When he returns, Rollins will get a heroes welcome from the WWE Universe and WWE could then push him as a solid babyface. Put him in a feud with Triple H, and it is going to sell tickets like hot pancakes.