1# Undertaker punishes Maven.
At Royal Rumble 2002, Maven received the most vicious beatings of all time. Undertaker and Maven were the only two men in the ring when suddenly, Taker was ambushed by Matt Hardy (whom Taker had eliminated earlier), Jeff Hardy and Lita.
Undertaker cleared the ring like the American Badass he is and stared them down as the Hardys left. Suddenly he received a drop kick to the back from Maven and fell out of the ring. Maven had eliminated the Undertaker.
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Yes. This happened.
The crowd exploded as the newbie celebrated while the Undertaker got ready to unleash hell upon him. The Phenom got back into the ring and destroyed Maven with punches and kicks. Then, he took him out of the ring and gave him a vicious chair shot.
More beating followed before he took him through the crowd all the way to the exit of the building. Taker dragged Maven like he was his toy and bashed him through the entire way.
He even put Maven through a pop-corn machine while the crowd watched in terror. He then proceeded to continue the beating as the camera went off.
Paying your dues, anyone?