#1 Blue Meanie
Ah yes. This one. Of course this makes number one on the list.
So I guess it’s safe to say JBL hasn’t been the best of pal’s with everyone on the WWE’s roster, but this superstar was part of the ECW revival when JBL decided to be a meanie himself.
In 2005, during the ECW One Night Stand PPV, both ECW and WWE wrestlers gathered into the ring for what turned into a huge battle royal.
During that moment, JBL took it upon himself to inflict damage to someone he didn’t like in the ring which of course was none other than The Blue Meanie.
He left the Blue Meanie bloodied and broken in the ring.
It was highly speculated that the Blue Meanie contemplated taking out a Lawsuit for the actions which he did not go through with in the end.
If only Joey Styles could have saved the day.