7: David Sammartino (son of Bruno Sammartino)
Being the son of the legendary Bruno Sammartino, David Sammartino never had a chance. His father’s accomplishments were too huge big to ever even think of eclipsed. Bruno is the longest running WWWF Champion of all time, sold out Madison Square Garden countless times and is a legend in the pro wrestling industry. When Bruno’s championship reign was ended by Ivan Koloff, the referee didn’t give him the belt out of fear of inciting a riot.
Although Bruno never wanted his son to enter the industry, wrestling was in David’s blood and he followed suit. David’s main problem was he was mainly used on the pedigree of his last name. He never managed to form his own individual identity. At the beginning of his career, he was immediately thrust into a tag-team with his father but that didn’t really help his status. He was near the main event when his father was involved in his matches but was otherwise treated like a jobber.
David left the WWF and wrestled for a few other promotions, including a stint in WCW in the mid-90’s but he never really found anywhere near the level of success that his father had.