WWE NXT Results 8th February 2017, Latest NXT winners, review and video highlights

Bobby Roode kicked of the Glorious Era

This week gave us the first NXT episode of the Bobby Roode era. The night saw Roode start off his reign with a glorious title celebration as well as a brilliant 6-man tag-team main event.

As soon as the episode started, we caught up with the NXT announce team with Tom Phillips announcing the newsest member of the team – pro wrestling legend Nigel McGuinness who was making his debut at the NXT announcer’s booth.

SANITY (Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dane) vs The Bollywood Boyz

Killian Dane dismantled the Bollywood Boyz

Harv Shira and the massive Irishman Killian dane started us off. Shira’s tiny frame was no threat to Dane as he threw his weight around. The worst that things got for Dane in this match was a “Shave you back” chant that the crowd targetted at him.

Gurv Shira eventually rallied and tagged in Harv Shira as Dane was down on one knee. They went for a double superkick only for Dane to take them down with a massive double clothesline. Dane followed it up with a Fall Of Man on Gurv Shira followed by a Senton. He then powerbombed Harv Shira right onto Gurv before hitting the stacked brothers with a jumping elbow.

Dane then picked up Harv Shira and finished him off with an Ulster Plantation. Alexander Wolfe didn’t even need to tag himself in.

SANITY def. The Bollywood Boyz

After the match, Nikki Cross screamed “Get me Asuka” into the mic before Eric Young once again told Tye Dillinger to join SANITY.

Liv Morgan vs Billie Kay

More shenanigans from the ‘Iconic duo’

Liv Morgan faced one half of NXT’s ‘Iconic’ duo – Billie Kay – in singles action. The match started off with Morgan pushing Kay into a corner aftter which we got a clean break. Morgan followed up with a headlock followed by Morgan’s strange rolling pins all of which got 1-counts except the last one that got 2. Kay replied by guillotining Morgan against the top rope and followed it up with a massive boot.

Kay then drove Morgan into the corner but Morgan replied with a swift roll-up. An unimpressed Billie Kay replied with a series of kicks followed by a suplex for another 2-count. Morgan replied with a head scissors that sent Kay scurrying to Royce who was at ringside. Royce tried to help Kay out but Morgan pushed Kay into Royce, pushing her off the apron, before rolling up Billie Kay for the 3-count.

Liv Morgan def. Billie Kay

Dillinger drove SANITY away with the help of No Way Jose and Roderick Strong

We got a backstage interview with Tye Dillinger who dismissed the chance at joining SANITY outright when he was attacked from behind by Eric Young and his cohorts. They brawled all the way to the ring as Dillinger did his best to fend off 3 men. Dillinger fought back as No Way Jose and Roderick Strong came out to help Dillinger. The three men cleared the ring of the SANITY members to set up out main event tonight – a massive 6-man tag-team match.

We got a massive announcement from William Regal after the break but not before he booked a tag-team match for next week between the teams of Billie Kay and Peyton Royce taking on Liv Morgan and a partner of her choosing.

Regal followed this up with the announcement that Tyler Bate will be defending his WWE UK Championship on NXT next week against Trent Seven.


Heavy Machinery vs The Revival

Did The Revival have enough in them to see off Heavy Machinery?

Tucker Knight and Otis Dozovic came out next under their new team name, Heavy Machinery, to take on The Revival.

Knight and Wilder started off the action with Wilder getting overpowered immediately. He tried multiple shoulder takedown attempts only for Knight to bodyslam him before tagging in Dozovic. Knight then tossed Wilder to Dozovic who caught him in midair and attempted a bear hug. Dawson distracted the referee at this point as Wiler bit Dozovic in the face to tag in his partner.

Dawson tagged Wilder back in as they double-teamed Dozovic and hammered him in the corner as they rotated tags. Dawson followed up with a headlock but the big man got back to his feet and hit a massive back drop before both men made tags. Knight took on both members of the Revival, hitting Wilder with a corner splash and Dawson with a dropkick. Knight then hit Wilder with a armdrag before hitting a Lou Thesz Press on Dawson. He then followed Wilder out of the ring and back in, only for Dawson to pounce on him and hit him with a low angle DDT for the win.

The Revival def. heavy Machinery

The Revival got on the mic after the match and called out theAuthors of Pain. Unfortunaely for them, the Authors came out to confont them which sent them scurrying. As the Authors of Pain are walking back, The Revival jump them from behind. They land a few blows before running away and that doesn't look like a good idea in hindsight. All it did was piss off these two behemoths.


Bobby Roode’s Championship Celebration

Bobby Roode celebrated his first NXT Championship win

Bobby Roode came out to a loud but mixed reaction from the Full Sail audience as he was greeted by boos and chants of “Roode” simultaenously. He starts off by reminding the crowd about how he had promised to win the NTX Championship at TakeOver: San Antonio before diverging and addressing Shinsuke Nakamura. He addressed Nakamura as the man who ran roughshod through Japan for a decade before defeating everyone in NXT from Balor and Zayn to Samoa Joe before saying that when it mattered – he came up short against Bobby Roode.

Roode continued to beat his own drum by remind the fans about how he had vanquished Nakamura at TakeOver: San Antonio before finishing off his point by saying “I am the champion”. Roode then added that it is no longer "We are NXT" because it was now his NXT.

Roode finished off his celebration by claiming the NTX was now GLORIOUS before smoke machines help cap off his celebration.


Tye Dillinger, No Way Jose and Roderick Strong vs SANITY

The night was capped of by a great main event

A SANITY heavy episode ended with the members of SANITY taking on Tye Dillinger, No Way Jose and Roderick Strong.

The match started with a brawl with Dillinger, Jose and Strong attacking the SANITY members as they made their way down to the ring. Dllinger and Wolfe started off as the legal men. He soon sent Wolfe reeling out of the ring as SANITY tried to regroup on the outside.

Dillinger tagged Jose in when Wolfe re-entered the fray. Jose went for a hammerlock and followed it up by a couple of armdrags and an STO for a 2-count. Wolfe then managed to tag Eric Young in but even he couldn’t quell Jose’s momentum as Jose hit him with knife-edged chops and a back drop before tagging Roderick Strong in.

Eric Young powered Strong towards the SANITY corner and tagged Wolfe back in. Roddy replied with a leg lariat to Wolfe and tagged in Dillinger. Dillinger hit the 10-count punches before stopping half=way and delivering a double axe-handle to Eric Young. Wolfe used to distraction to tag in Killian Dane. The massive Irishman hammered away at Dillinger with his massive boots before hitting him with massive elbows to the neck and throat area.

Dane tagged in Wolfe as the two men hit Dillinger with a double team for another 2-count. Chants of “Let’s go Tye” broke out as Dillinger hit back with a back body drop to Wolfe. Tye tagged in Strong who immediately came in and hit Dane with a running boot, knocking him off the apron, before turning his attentions to Alexander Wolfe. Strong hit Wolfe with a series of strike before hitting Dane with a dropkick through the ropes.

Wolfe then made a tag just as Strong hit him with a backbreaker. Strong then hit Young, who was now the legal man with a running knee before planting him face-first into the mat. Strong then went for the cover but Wolfe broke it up as a melee boroke out. Strong looked to hit a Sick Kick but Dane took out his feet from under him. In the confusion, Dillinger hit Young with a Tye Breaker as Nikki Cross climbed to the top rope. She hit Dillinger with a head scissors and deposited him outside the ring just as Killian Dane hit Roddy with a massive spear, almost breaking him in half. Young pounced on Roddy and pinned him for the win.

SANITY def. Tye Dillinger, Roderick Strong and No Way Jose


Ex WWE writer blasts Liv Morgan HERE

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