Heath Slater & Rhyno
I have to admit, they finally got it right with Slater. For years, actually, ever since his time with The Nexus, Heath Slater has been booked as a complete joke, despite being a very talented superstar. The whole angle with him being left out of the draft and having to jump through hoops in order to earn a contract, it's all been a very entertaining storyline, capped off with a huge tag team championship win at Backlash.
As he and Rhyno move forward, I worry about them being nothing more than transitional champions, primarily because of the unpredictability of Rhyno’s status with the WWE. Rhyno currently has several indie dates on his schedule, along with his full-time status as a tag team champion with WWE. If history is any indicator of what we can expect, Rhyno is only going to be around a few months, at best. If that's the case, it'll result in short title reign for the newly crowned champions.
However, if the WWE and Rhyno can find a way to make this thing work for while Slater and Rhyno could have a fun run as Smackdown tag champs. Either way, they need to be booked as consistently defending champions. The more TV time for Slater, the better for his future. After this reign is over, this could benefit Slater as a singles competitor, as long as he gets a little love from the fans along the way, Heath will be just fine.