#5 The Usos or Hype Bros v. Heath Slater and Rhyno WWE Tag Team Tournament Finals
While there isn’t a clear winner of the previous match listed until Sunday, whoever wins that matchup will determine the winner of the Tag Team Tournament Finals on Sunday. As I said before, The Usos heel turn should not be in vain. Thus if they are in the finals, my money will be on the Samoan twins. If the Hype Bros somehow win, then I believe that Slater and Rhyno will take the gold (or is it silver?).
In the case of Slater, either way, I think he still has some steam left in his storyline. So whether he wins or loses, I think he just may earn himself a contract with SmackDown either way. With the Uso heel turn, it poses an interesting set up come BackLash. I’m all for a Usos/American Alpha program. Yes sir!