#3 Rollins, Money in the Bank and the impact the briefcase has now

Depending on your point of view, the night WWE Superstar Seth Rollins cashed in his MITB briefcase in the main event of WWE WrestleMania 31 may be one of the best endings ever to a WM. Rollins relived the moments before, during, and after his monumental win. To no one's surprise, he commented that "it was nerve-racking sitting up in gorilla just waiting for my moment. It's one of those things where you plan but it almost seems too good to be true." Rollins also said that he "couldn't think about anything else except executing the plan. I kept telling myself 'don't trip' and 'hurry hurry hurry.'"'
The ability "to have that moment of surprise in a match that was hotly contested up to that point was special. We were in a time crunch at that moment and I didn't want the show to go off the air without my moment." Rollins also reflected that "it was a moment I dreamed about in my entire life. I never expected it to happen. Standing there with that title above your head is something you've dreamed about since you're four years old."
WWE Backstage host, Renee Young, pondered if a MITB cash-in has surpassed a win in the WWE Royal Rumble in terms of making a new start. Captain Charisma mentioned that he "was in the first MITB match and we all thought it was a really cool concept going in. We saw how it could propel your career to the next level." He also reflected that "the IC title, when you won that title, you were the next in line to be WWE Champion. When the IC title lost its luster, winning that briefcase took its spot in my opinion."
WWE Backstage analyst, CM Punk, won two briefcases and said, "what I love about the MITB is that you can put people in different situations." One reason was because "when I cashed in my second briefcase on Jeff (Hardy), people weren't happy and didn't get it. They were confused" because both men were faces. He does like how "you get really interesting stories and character development and for wrestlers to find themselves" with cash-ins.