Bret Hart has responded to the recent comments made by Former WWE World Champion Seth Rollins when he said that Bret had hurt his feelings by stating that Rollins is reckless in the ring.
Bret said :
"You shouldn’t be mad at me. You should thank me for being so honest and you should reflect on it and make it a point through out the rest of your career that you’re never going to injure anyone else like that again. Period. I’m a really big fan of Seth’s (wrestling) . . . I think that’s why I made such a strong criticism. It’s meant to make him think. It’s not a personal attack. It’s a professional criticism of his work."
It's notable that Bret was talking about the incident from Raw July 27, 2015 where Seth disfigured John Cena's nose with a knee. He later compared the incident to the one happened to him when a misplaced kick from Goldberg ended his career.
However Bret didn't blame the former shield member solely for this, instead, blaming both Vince McMahon and Triple H along with the road agents, for not teaching the talent about what's right and what's wrong in a ring.