3. Rusev Beats Roman Reigns Cleanly
In what is another possible outcome for the Rusev vs Roman Reigns bout at Clash of Champions for the United States Championship, a clean Rusev victory over Reigns would do wonders for the Bulgarian Brute. Although people may argue it makes Reigns look weak, his whole singles main roster run has made him one of the strongest on the roster, and a victory over Rusev for the United States Title at Survivor Series would redeem the loss.
This result would be especially useful if WWE are looking to continue this feud past this pay-per-view, as a Reigns chase for the championship would be more entertaining than Rusev trying to regain it, which we know isn’t going to happen if Reigns wins the title. In my opinion, the longer they wait to crown Reigns as U.S. Champion, the better, as getting him over as a babyface again before he wins the title is arguably more important.
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Although I don’t see WWE doing this, a clean win for Rusev over Reigns would work wonders for both men, and would probably erase the ‘Super Cena’ mindset about Reigns that has become so prominent among WWE fans.