Tag Team Turmoil Match for the Tag Team World Cup (contd...)
The B Team came in to take on the New Day but Big E hit the Big Ending on Axel and got the pinfall.
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
The New Day def. The B Team
The Revival were out and isolated Kofi in the corner but Kingston hit the SOS. Kingston got the rollup and the fall. The Revival attacked and took out the New Day, delivering the Shatter Machine on Kingston before they left.
The New Day def. The Revival
The OC were in and tried for a Magic Killer right off the bat which Kofi countered. They still managed to pick up a win, following a big move.
The OC def. The New Day
Erik and Ivar rushed the ring and took control of the match right away. The OC managed to pick up the victory by the skin of their teeth and the accolade of the Best Tag Team in the World.
Result: The OC def. The Viking Raiders and won the Tag Team World Cup
Match rating: A+