#3 Fashion Police silliness
This moment when Heath Slater performed a sunset slip onto Fandango had many layers of outrageousness to it. First, there was the comically long struggle in which Slater did everything he could to roll Fandango into a pin.
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Second, the moment when the man with a Fashion Police gimmick started distributing violations to the man with many kids was highly goofy. It was funny, yes, but it’s hard to take Fandango and Tyler as anything more than low card jobbers when they’re throwing papers at their opponents that say “Ewww” and “Fugly.” They’re better than that.
Third, and probably the most outrageous takeaway here, was that Tyler Breeze might be a tad frustrated with this comedy schtick. He took to Twitter after the show and shared a plethora of YouTube links to some of his best matches back when he regularly wrestled serious matches against guys like Hideo Itami and Finn Balor.
Hopefully, Prince Pretty endures his spot on the card until somebody realises the talent that is being wasted.