The Shield vs The Wyatt Family
The Shield came out first, followed by The Wyatts. The crowd started a “This is awesome” chant even before the match began!
The Shield came out first, followed by The Wyatts. Great back and forth match which saw The Wyatts completely dominating the three members of The Shield, with Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose battling into the crowd. Dean Ambrose wasn’t seen again, as Bray Wyatt joined Harper and Rowan and laid into Rollins and Reigns.
Harper and Rowan then double chokeslammed Rollins through the Spanish announce table as the crowd started a “Holy sh*t” chant! The end saw Reigns standing alone against the three members of The Wyatt Family, and he delivered the Superman punch to both Bray and Rowan! Harper then came in and got speared for his troubles. Bray Wyatt then connected with Sister Abigail on Roman Reigns to pick up the victory for his team!
Winner: The Wyatt Family.
Rating: ****
Analysis: That was an outstanding 6 man tag team match as everyone expected, and this will now lead to dissention in The Shield. Dean Ambrose wasn’t seen after Bray and Dean brawled in the fans’ section, and Roman Reigns stood tall in the end, taking it to all the three members of The Wyatt Family, but the numbers game caught up with Roman as Bray Wyatt picked up the victory. It’ll be interesting to see where the feud goes from here, and we might finally get to see the triple threat match between the three members of The Shield at WrestleMania!
AJ Lee (With Tamina) vs. Cameron for the WWE Divas championship
It was the usual divas match which saw Cameron getting an upper hand over the Divas champion for the most part, and a miscommunication between AJ and Tamina nearly cost AJ the title. Tamina in the end saved the Divas champion by causing the disqualification, giving the win to Cameron. Post match, Tamina laid Cameron out and brought the Divas title to AJ, who looked pissed.
Winner by DQ: Cameron
Rating: *
Analysis: Nothing great to say about the bout, but this might lead to a Tamina vs. AJ match at WrestleMania for the Divas title, considering WWE even cares about the strap anymore.
Bad News Barrett came out and said his podium was broken, and said he had more time to give some bad news. He plugged in the WWE Network, and said people will lose their jobs and students will be kicked out of schools because they will be mesmerized by the WWE Network. He then said something about government throwing people out and knocked their homes. My head hurts.
Backstage, Santino, Emma, Khali, Los Matadores and El Torito played with the WWE toys.
Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio
Batista came out first to a lukewarm reception, followed by ADR who had a neck brace on and a crutch. ADR said because of Batista’s attack couple of weeks ago, he won’t be able to compete, but blindsided Batista and beat him down with the crutch. ADR drilled Batista with the crutch to the gut and attacked his knee. The crowd started chanting “Si” as the referee started the match. Batista started attacking Del Rio as the crowd booed! Batista was sent to the ring post as the crowd started a “Boo-tista” chant, which was hilarious. ADR applied the cross arm breaker on the ropes as the referee started the five count! The crowd started a big “Daniel Bryan” chant as ADR worked on Batista’s arm. The crowd then started a “CM Punk” chant as ADR continued to work on Batista’s arm. Batista then tried to make a comeback as the crowd jeered, but ADR stopped him by attacking his shoulder. The crowd then started a “Y2J” chant! ADR missed with a shoulder in the corner, giving Batista time to recuperate.
Batista drilled ADR with some shoulders, but ADR came back with a double foot stomp! ADR connected with an enziguri in the corner for a nearfall. ADR kicked Batista out of the ring. The crowd started a big “We want Lesnar” chant! ADR rolled Batista into the ring, but Batista connected with a spear for a nearfall. Batista started building momentum with a couple of clotheslines. Batista went for a powerslam but ADR countered with a backstabber backbreaker for a nearfall! ADR missed with a splash and Batista took advantage with a spine buster as the crowd booed him! Batista went for the Batista bomb, but ADR escaped and chipped Batista’s knee, connecting with a shining wizard for a nearfall! ADR went for the cross arm breaker, but Batista countered it into a Batista bomb to pick up the victory as the crowd booed.
Winner: Batista
Rating: **
Analysis: Batista looked blown out throughout the match, and the crowd showed their displeasure with Batista headlining WrestleMania by booing him throughout the bout. I don’t blame the fans for how they behaved, and the match wasn’t anything great. ADR set the pace for the bout but Batista finished things off, building momentum going into WrestleMania. It’ll be interesting to see if WWE inserts Daniel Bryan into the main event at WrestleMania after seeing the negative reaction Orton and Batista have been getting.
WWE then plugged in about the Network and about the Chamber match.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.