Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan vs Christian vs John Cena and Antonio Cesaro vs Sheamus for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber
Cena made his way out first to a mixed reaction, followed by Christian and Orton. Bryan then came out to a huge “Yes” chant. Cesaro then made his way out, followed by Sheamus. Sheamus and Cesaro started things off as Cesaro dominated the exchange. Cesaro threw Sheamus on the steel floor outside the ring, and Cesaro followed it up with a couple of uppercuts. Sheamus cut Cesaro’s offense short with a shoulder tackle from the top rope for a 1 count. Sheamus now laid into Cesaro with a shoulder to the gut in the corner, and threw him on the steel outside the ring. Sheamus then caught Cesaro with the Irish clubs to the chest and drilled Cesaro with a clothesline. Cesaro and Sheamus exchanged blows, and Cesaro threw Sheamus into the post and followed it up with a double foot stomp to the gut for a nearfall. Cesaro drilled Sheamus with uppercuts and mocked Cena with his “You can’t see me” gesture. The crowd chanted for Cesaro as Sheamus tried to make a comeback, but Cesaro stopped him in his tracks. Sheamus fought him off and connected with a shoulder tackle from the top rope as Daniel Bryan came in as the crowd exploded! Bryan connected with a dropkick to Sheamus and a knee to Cesaro’s gut. Bryan drilled Sheamus with kicks and connected with a clothesline. Bryan then took turns kicking Cesaro and Sheamus! Bryan drilled Cesaro with the roundhouse, but Sheamus stopped him. Bryan took Sheamus down with a drop toe hold while connected with a belly to back with a bridge on Cesaro for a nearfall! Cesaro came back with a tilt – a – whirl backbreaker on Bryan for a nearfall.
Sheamus and Cesaro went back and forth with Sheamus getting the better of the offense. Cesaro turned the tables and knocked Sheamus onto the steel outside the ring. Bryan came back with some uppercuts to Cesaro, but Cesaro threw Bryan into the pod as Bryan went right through the glass! Cesaro and Sheamus traded blows as Sheamus connected with a running senton on Cesaro on the steel! Sheamus covered Cesaro for yet another nearfall. Sheamus worked on Bryan as the crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chants. Christian came in next and threw Sheamus over the top rope, and worked on Bryan’s injured shoulder. Christian threw Bryan out of the ring onto the steel and worked on Bryan’s shoulder. Christian ripped off Bryan’s padding on his shoulder and rammed him into the steel chains and the pod. Christian then connected with a tornado DDT for yet another nearfall. Bryan came back with a couple of kicks and an enziguri, but missed with a shoulder in the corner! Sheamus then worked on Christian, but Christian came back with a neckbreaker. Cesaro threw Christian right into the pod and connected with an uppercut! Cesaro covered Christian for a nearfall, and then turned his attention towards Sheamus. Cesaro connected with a gut wrench suplex on the steel floor on Sheamus! All of them were down as Cena made his way into the match. Cena delivered an AA on Christian, right on Cesaro! Bryan stopped Cena with a hurricanrana from the top rope! Bryan connected with some kicks to Cena, but Christian dropped Bryan with the Killswitch for a nearfall!
Cesaro then went for the swing, but Cena drilled Cesaro leading to Christian being darted into the corner, and Cena connected with the turning backdrop. Sheamus caught Cena with the White Noise for a nearfall! Fast paced action led to Christian connecting with the tornado DDT on Cesaro for a nearfall. Cena rammed Christian into the chamber, but Cesaro connected with the flying uppercut for a nearfall on Cena! Cesaro and Cena traded blows as Bryan came in! The trio exchanged blows and Sheamus came in! All five men went at it as Orton stared through the chamber pod. Cesaro picked Sheamus from the floor and connected with a suplex from the middle rope for a 2 count! Orton made his way in and kicked all the other superstars. Orton turned his attention towards Cena as the crowd booed him. Orton tried to punt Bryan but Bryan moved. All the 5 superstars turned their attention towards Orton as he tried to lock himself in the pod. Sheamus Brogue kicked right through the pod! Sheamus threw Orton around like a ragdoll and attacked Orton! Cena then turned his attention towards Orton and connected with the five knuckle shuffle. Cesaro threw Cena on the floor and put Orton in the giant Cesaro swing! Bryan then came back with a rolling German suplex on Cesaro! Sheamus drilled Bryan, as Christian came back in. Sheamus tried to Brogue kick Christian, but Christian ducked, as Sheamus drilled Cena instead. Christian tried to take advantage, but Sheamus and Cena kicked out of the roll ups!
Sheamus then attacked Christian, but Christian escaped the Irish curse on the floor! Orton nailed a superplex on Sheamus and Christian delivered a splash from the top of the pod on Sheamus to eliminate him from the match!
First elimination: Sheamus
The fans started a “This is awesome” chant. Bryan took Christian down with the running knee and eliminated him from the match.
Second elimination: Christian
The final four stared at each other, as they attacked one another. Orton went at it with Bryan while Cesaro and Cena battled it out. Bryan stared Cena down as the crowd started a huge “Yes” chant. Both men traded blows as Bryan went for the LaBelle lock, but Cena powered through it. Cena went for the AA on Bryan, but Cesaro delivered a German suplex with Bryan going out with a Samoan drop! Cena then took Cesaro down with a drop toe hold and locked him in the STF as Cesaro tapped out.
Third elimination: Cesaro
Cena then went for the STF on Orton as The Wyatts’ music hit! The Wyatts were in the chamber and Orton weaseled out. Bryan and Cena attacked The Wyatts, but they took both of them down. Bray then connected with Sister Abigail on Cena as the trio left the chamber. Orton then slithered back in and covered Cena to eliminate him.
Fourth elimination: Cena
Kane then came out and asked The Wyatts to go back. Kane then came into the chamber and Bryan connected with a knee to the head of Kane from the top! Orton then threw Bryan into the pod, but Bryan hung Orton in a tree of woe and connected with some kicks and baseball slides! Bryan connected with a backdrop from the top rope as the crowd started a “Let’s go Bryan” chant. Orton hung Bryan on the top turnbuckle and connected with the underhook DDT from the middle rope. Bryan connected with the running double knee, but Kane dragged the referee out! Bryan drilled Kane with a big kick, but Orton connected with the RKO! Bryan kicked out at 2 and the fans exploded! Bryan connected with a kick to the head of Orton! Kane drilled Bryan and Orton hit another RKO on Bryan to pick up the victory.
Winner and still the WWE World Heavyweight champion: Randy Orton
Rating: ****
The crowd looked on disappointed as Bryan recuperated in the ring. The PPV went off the air as Bryan looked distraught, with Orton raising the titles in the ring.
Analysis: That was a great main event, but the ending was predictable, and WWE still hasn’t learnt its lesson. The crowd wanted Bryan to win, but WWE still went ahead with Orton picking up the victory. The fans don’t want to see Orton vs. Batista at WrestleMania, and they made it clear by booing Batista during his match with ADR. Cesaro and Bryan stood out in the main event, as both men showed excellent ring skills and were a part of some great moments. Kane’s interference would mean that Bryan would face either Kane or Triple H at WrestleMania, which won’t do Bryan any good.
Over – all rating of the PPV: *** ½ (Out of 5 stars)
Although there were a couple of excellent matches on the card, the ending once again ruined the PPV. WWE needs to listen to its fans, which it hasn’t done for quite a long time. With Orton retaining, the headline for WrestleMania is now set in stone, which completely takes away any interest the WWE Universe has. Anyway, with The Undertaker and Hulk Hogan set to return on tomorrow’s episode of RAW, it’ll be interesting to see what transpires. Thank you for joining us for the live coverage of the PPV, as we now head to WrestleMania!
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.