The Bad - The Six Woman Tag Match
The match made little sense on multiple levels. The in-ring action was fine, at times even very good; but, with almost no build, it was difficult to discern why any of these women were actually fighting.
Furthermore, Banks and Bayley were friends. Then they were enemies. They despised each other and beat each other quite brutally. Bayley displayed symptoms of some kind of obsessive derangement toward Sasha and then that mysteriously went away. After being teased a big match between the two, that never happened.
Despite their history of repeated assaults, the two have apparently let bygones be bygones. They are once again friends and Bayley is taking the brunt of the Riott Squad's abuse, just so Sasha won't suffer even an iota of what Bayley already did to Sasha on her own accord.
What about Natalya? Why is she even involved with the match and why would she team with Banks and Bayley in the first place? Since Rousey's main roster debut at the Royal Rumble, Natalya has been tied at the former UFC star's hip. Suddenly, and like an RKO out of nowhere, she was teaming with the dysfunctional duo of Bayley and Sasha Banks? It was all very confusing to start and the match did nothing to clear things up.
Much like The Wyatt Family before them, there was excitement when The Riott Squad debuted on the main roster; but, since that time the trio have acted primarily as enhancement talent, losing far more than winning. At this point, it's difficult to give them a chance to win against anyone, much less take them seriously as legitimate competitors.
The Riott Squad did the job to a team that has no experience. Natalya, Bayley, and Sasha Banks went over; but, on such a spectacular show, the match acted as mid-card fodder and did nothing to progress any of these talented performers. They all deserve better. I just wish WWE creative felt the same.