#1 Ambrose almost becomes Bruce Lee – Almost

Another great moment in Ambrose vs Jericho Asylum match was the faceoff between nunchaku vs the barbedwire bat moment. When Jericho got down from the cage holding a 2x4 barbedwire bat, he was confronted by Ambrose who was holding a nunchaku. Only that the Lunatic Fringe knew how to use it.
In an attempt to show off his nunchaku skills,Ambrose went on to perform a nunchaku routine. But, he fumbled it. He missed out on the sequence when he failed to catch the end coming from behind. The end hit him in his back, but to his props, Ambrose didn’t show the pain in his face as he faced off with Chris Jericho. Ambrose tolerance for pain was also evident from how he went on with the match even with thumbtacks embedded in his shoe.