Miz retains his IC title
Honestly, there is nothing to complain about this match except to say that it was not extreme. Put four of WWE top workers in the ring and give them enough time to showcase themselves, you have a match of the event.
Miz retaining the title was the safe way to go about. We could argue about which Superstar deserved it more, but Miz losing the championship this soon would have hurt the title. Let Miz feud with few more Superstars before losing it to a returning Neville, Zayn or Cesaro. Owens is not an option as he is clearly moving closer to the main event level.
Cesaro, on the other hand, needs to spend a little more time on the midcard. The same goes for Zayn, as he is relatively new to the roster.
The match was really well-planned and the finish was exemplary. Miz has piled up more heat on him by stealing the title at the end and the rivalry between Zayn and Owens is still burning. Overall, this is a really good booking and WWE needs to do this kind of booking more.
Verdict: 4.5/5