#3 Cesaro

As soon as Cesaro was revealed as Aleister Black’s opponent for Extreme Rules, fans were thrilled as they geared up to watch two of the most complete wrestlers in the world today face off.
While Black is relatively new to the main roster, Cesaro is now a veteran who has impressed every single person he has come across with his strength, skills, and talent. This was Cesaro’s first single’s pay-per-view match since Clash of Champions 2016, and he managed to do extremely well with it.
The Swiss Superman was one of the best performers on Sunday night, and even though he lost the match, he provided some of it - and the night's - best moments.
Cesaro’s athleticism is unparalleled. He used that effectively to play the superior heel who controlled the action for most of the match before taking a Black Mass out of nowhere.
The match highlighted why exactly fans have been wanting WWE to give Cesaro a chance at a top championship and even a WWE Championship or Universal Championship run.