WWE Extreme Rules: Live Results and Coverage - 4th May, 2014

Evolution vs The Shield

Evolution vs the Shield – Extreme Rules 2014 Main Event

We’re live from the IZOD center in Rutherford, New Jersey with the Extreme Rules PPV! The main event pits two former best friends and tag team partners, Kane and the underdog, Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight championship! Evolution has reunited once again to take down the new sheriffs in town, The Shield. This promises to be an exciting PPV, and we kick things off with the WeeLC match in the pre – show kick off, between El Torito and Hornswoggle!

El Torito (With Los Matadores) vs. Hornswoggle (With 3 MB) in a WeeLC match

The match had plenty of neat spots and fast paced action, and the crowd even started a “This is awesome” chant. El Torito picked up the victory in the end after putting Hornswoggle through another table.

Winner: El Torito

Rating: ***

Analysis: That was a pretty entertaining match – something I didn’t think was possible. Anyway, it’s time to get serious with the main show.

Main – show:

RVD made his way out first, followed by Jack Swagger accompanied by Zeb Colter. Cesaro made his way out last along with Paul Heyman. Heyman introduced Cesaro, and called himself the greatest visionary of sports entertainment. He talked about Lesnar beating Taker at WrestleMania, and conquering the streak. He said the new 11th amendment was not to boo Heyman! Once again, Heyman nailed his promo.

RVD vs. Jack Swagger vs. Cesaro

All three men went at it with each other, but Cesaro and Jack worked together to drop RVD. Cesaro then decked Jack, but Jack dropped Cesaro with a big shoulder. RVD came back and dropped Swagger, and then monkey – flipped Cesaro onto Swagger for the first nearfall of the match. RVD showed his athleticism, but Cesaro caught RVD in mid – air, but got nailed by a big boot from Swagger for yet another nearfall. The crowd started chanting for RVD, as RVD countered Swagger’s offense and threw him outside. RVD then took Cesaro out by putting his body on the line, as Swagger nailed RVD with a huge clothesline!

Swagger rolled RVD back in the ring for another nearfall. Swagger then turned RVD inside out with a huge German suplex for a nearfall! Swagger then scooped RVD and came down with the Swagger bomb! Cesaro came from behind and caught Swagger in the Cesaro swing, but RVD decked Cesaro with a heel kick in the midst of the swing for a 2 count! RVD scooped Cesaro, and went for the five star frogsplash, but Swagger caught him on the top rope and threw him face first to the mat, and applied the ankle lock! Cesaro dropped Swagger before he could do any damage!

Cesaro and Swagger went at it before Cesaro picked him up from the ringside apron and powered him back into the ring with a suplex! RVD took advantage and nailed the frogsplash to eliminate Swagger! Cesaro then decked RVD and nailed four consecutive gutwrench backdrops! RVD tried to get his offense in, but Cesaro nailed RVD with a huge German suplex with a bridge for a nearfall! That was picture perfect! Cesaro then came down on RVD from the top rope on the outside with a double axe handle! Cesaro worked on RVD’s lower back, before RVD capitalized on Cesaro’s mistake with the spinning leg drop on the ringside barricade, as the crowd started an “E-C-dub” chant!

Back in the ring, RVD connected with the rolling thunder for a 2 count! RVD connected with the split leg moonsault for yet another close count. Heyman yelled at Cesaro as RVD brought out a trash can. Cesaro played possum and then baseball slid into the trash can, sending RVD rolling on the outside. Cesaro then brought RVD back into the ring as the crowd started a “We want table” chant. Cesaro went for the trash can before RVD rolled him up for a 2 count. RVD then kicked Cesaro in the face with the trash can and went for frogsplash, but Cesaro moved out of the way, sending RVD crashing into the trash can! Cesaro then connected with the Neutralizer to pick up the victory!

Winner: Cesaro

Rating: *** ¾

Analysis: That was what you expected from three of the best athletes in the WWE today, as RVD, Swagger and Cesaro put on one of the best opening matches on PPV this year. Giving the victory to Cesaro was the right thing to do, and Cesaro did nothing wrong with his part, and looked impressive as ever.

Backstage, Stephanie came in as the doctor checked on Daniel Bryan. Stephanie pleaded innocence and said Daniel Bryan could surrender the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Daniel Bryan refused, and asked Stephanie to get out. Stephanie then warned Bryan, and called him Kane’s bitch.

A vignette for Bo Dallas’ debut aired.

Lana came out to introduce Alexander Rusev for his handicap match against R – Truth and Xavier Woods, and said she dedicated the match to her idol and the man she looked up to, Vladimir Putin!

Rusev vs. R – Truth and Woods in a 2 on 1 Handicap match

Before Truth and Woods could come into the ring, Rusev attacked Truth and Woods, and sent them crashing into the steel, before suplexing Woods on the floor. The bell finally rang as Rusev laid into Truth as the crowd started a “We want Lana” chant. Rusev ran into Truth and laid him out. Truth finally put his legs up to counter Rusev’s offense, and connected with some kicks and a missile dropkick. Truth connected with big kicks and the axe kick, but Rusev kicked out! Rusev caught Truth as the medical personnel checked on Woods, but Truth landed on his feet before Rusev countered with a big spinning heel kick! Rusev then connected with the turning side slam, and locked in the camel clutch as Truth tapped out.

Winner: Rusev

Rating: * ½

Analysis: That was your basic squash match. Woods was taken out of the equation in the early going, and Truth got some of his offense in, but Rusev proved to be too strong for the duo. The WWE management is impressed with Rusev’s work, and Lana has proved to be the perfect “trainer” for the brute.

Post – match, Rusev attacked a helpless Woods and delivered a fall – away slam.

Lillian talked briefly about American heroes, before we cut back to a segment.

Renee interviewed Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton – Evolution. Triple H talked about their egos, and said they kept it in check. Triple H then talked about their credibility and the number of titles they shared in between them. They said that they would put an end to The Shield tonight.

BNB made his way out first to a good reception from the live crowd for his WWE Intercontinental championship match. Barrett said he had some bad news, and talked about how he would beat Big E and other viruses would pale in comparison. Big E then made his way out for the bout.

Bad News Barrett vs. Big E for the WWE Intercontinental championship

Barrett hyped the crowd as they chanted “Bad News”. Big E dropped Barrett with a big shoulder as Barrett rolled out of the ring. Big E followed him and Barrett tried to turn the tables. Big E sent Barrett crashing into the ring post, and speared him as the crowd chanted for BNB. Barrett turned the tables and came down with a big elbow on the outside from the apron. Barrett covered Big E for a one – count. Big E reversed a suplex attempt by BNB, but Barrett came back with a back suplex of his own for a nearfall. BNB locked Big E in a chin lock and decked Big E with a crossbody for a nearfall. BNB came back with a big boot, and controlled the tempo of the match.

Barrett worked over Big E and landed a big boot, sending Big E outside. Big E countered Barrett’s offense with a huge belly to back throw, followed by a belly to belly suplex! Big E then speared Barrett out of the ring for a nearfall! Big E went for the big splash, but Barrett caught him with the Winds of Change for a nearfall! Big E missed with a shoulder in the corner, and Barrett connected with the Wasteland for a nearfall! BNB went for the elbow in the corner, but Big E slammed him down for a nearfall yet again! Big E connected with the big splash, and tried to finish BNB, but BNB connected with bullhammer elbow to pick up the victory!

Winner and the NEW WWE Intercontinental champion: Bad News Barrett

Rating: ** ½

Analysis: That was a pretty decent match, and I predicted BNB winning the title. Although this won’t elevate him, this will hopefully give him the momentum needed to catapult him into the main event scene. The match was even – stevens until BNB connected with back elbow to put Big E down. Was it the right move by WWE? Let’s hope so, and that BNB will get something out of it this time around.

WWE aired a vignette about Adam Rose’s debut.

WWE aired a promo for the Evolution – Shield bout, looking at how things went out of hand. Evolution made its way out first, followed by The Shield.

Evolution vs. The Shield

All the 6 men brawled inside the ring to kick things off! The Shield cleared the ring to gain the upper hand even before the bell rang! Triple H tried to attack Rollins from behind, but Rollins knocked Hunter down as the bell rang, and the match officially began. Rollins mounted on the offense and knocked Triple H out of the ring. Rollins connected with a suicide dive on the outside! Back in the ring, Triple H delivered a huge clothesline to change the tide and brought Batista into the bout.

The crowd booed as Batista laid into Rollins, drilling him with shoulders in the corner. Orton tagged in as Hunter and Batista worked on Rollins behind the referee’s back. Orton stomped on Rollins and hung him below the bottom rope. Hunter tagged back into the match and worked on Rollins as the crowd started a chant for JBL. Triple H connected with a big knee to the jaw of Rollins and tagged Batista back into the match, as the crowd jeered. Batista worked on Rollins with big forearms and a boot, and covered him for a nearfall. Orton came back into the match and hung Rollins on the top rope for yet another nearfall. Orton held Rollins down with a chin lock, but Rollins countered it into a back drop, but Batista and Triple H knocked Ambrose and Reigns down from the apron before Rollins could make a tag. Rollins dug deep and connected with a huge spinning kick to knock Orton out, and tagged Ambrose in!

Ambrose came in like a house on fire, drop kicking Orton and knocking Triple H and Batista off the apron. Batista drilled Ambrose with a huge right, but Ambrose came back by clotheslining Orton. Ambrose lined Orton for a figure four, and Reigns stopped Batista from attacking Ambrose. Reigns threw Batista into the barricade, but Triple H threw Reigns into the steel steps! Back in the ring, Evolution controlled the pace as the crowd chanted “Bootista”. Batista and Orton worked in tandem to keep Ambrose down.

Ambrose tried to shrug Orton off, but Orton came back with a dropkick for a nearfall. Triple H came back into the ring and taunted Dean, and threw punches in the corner. Dean decked Triple H with a big boot, but Hunter came back with a spinebuster for a 2 count. Batista tagged himself in and worked on Ambrose as the crowd booed. The crowd started a “You can’t wrestle” chant directed at Batista, as Triple H came back into the ring, sizing up Ambrose. Triple H went for the pedigree, but Ambrose reversed it into a big back body slam and followed up with a DDT. Dean finally tagged in Reigns, as he took out all the members of Evolution!

Reigns connected with the Superman punch on Batista and ran through Triple H and Orton! Batista tried to capitalize with a Batista bomb, but Rollins came down with the high knee on Batista, and Reigns connected with the Superman punch and then the triple powerbomb! Triple H and Orton broke the pin attempt and took Ambrose and Rollins apart. Everything broke down as Triple H connected with a pedigree on Reigns, but Ambrose took Triple H out! Orton then connected with the RKO on Reigns, but Rollins broke the pin attempt as the crowd chanted “This is awesome”. Rollins and Orton fought around the ringside area, and Triple H joined in. Ambrose took Orton and Triple H out with a double knee, running over the announcer’s table! All four men went up the stands amidst the fans as Reigns and Batista were left in the ring.

Triple H and Orton threw Ambrose down the flight of stairs as the crowd went nuts. Rollins leapt from the top railing onto the three men and took out all of them! The crowd started a “Holy sh*t” chant as Batista connected with a spinebuster inside the ring! Reigns avoided the Batista bomb and connected with the Superman punch. Reigns followed it up with a spear to pick up the victory for his team!

Winner (s): The Shield

Rating: **** ¼

Analysis: That was a phenomenal match, and all the three men from Shield stole the show. The ending sequence was amazing, with Rollins leaping from the top railing on to the three men! Reigns picked up the victory for his team, and The Shield ended up beating Evolution. I expected great things from The Shield, and they delivered tonight. It’ll be interesting to see where they will go from here, but they were absolutely fantastic tonight. Props should also be given to Triple H and Randy Orton for playing their parts well.

WWE aired the promo for the Bray Wyatt – John Cena bout inside the steel cage. The promo was exceptional as you can expect.

John Cena made his way out first to thunderous jeers by the live crowd at the IZOD center. Bray Wyatt then made his way out along with Harper and Rowan, as the live crowd cheered them on!

Bray Wyatt vs. John Cena in a steel cage match

Wyatt hyped up the crowd before entering the cage, and whispered something to Harper and Rowan. The crowd started the dueling “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks” chant as we kicked things off! Cena and Wyatt locked horns inside the cage as the crowd sang “He’s got the whole world”. Wyatt dropped Cena and pandered to the fans. The crowd started a huge “Let’s go Wyatt” chant as Bray delivered some lefts and rights in the corner. Wyatt urged Cena to hurt him, as Cena drilled Wyatt with a Fisherman’s suplex and tried to get out of the cage. Harper and Rowan surrounded him, and Wyatt brought Cena back.

Cena tried to make a comeback, but Wyatt stopped him by drilling him into the steel cage. The crowd started a small “CM Punk” chant which quickly faded away. Wyatt continued dishing out punishment to Cena, and led the crowd in singing his song. Wyatt delivered a crossbody to Cena for yet another nearfall. Wyatt tried to get out of the cage through the open door, but Cena caught him and launched him into the cage. Cena tried to escape out of the cage again, but Harper and Rowan stopped him. Wyatt caught Cena on top of the cage and tried to bring him in. Cena threw Wyatt off the top but Wyatt caught him once again. Cena threw Wyatt down once more, but Wyatt crotched Cena on the top turnbuckle and brought him down for a nearfall.

Wyatt danced around with a lifeless Cena and then drilled him to the mat for yet another nearfall! Cena tried to counter with an AA, but Wyatt slipped out and Cena countered with a dropkick! Cena tried to climb on top of the cage, but Wyatt tried to spiderwalk his way out of the cage door! Cena stopped Wyatt, but Wyatt retaliated with a running crossbody! Wyatt then tagged Cena into the cage multiple times, but Cena reversed it and sent Wyatt into the steel cage! Cena took Wyatt down with his usual offense and connected with the five knuckle shuffle. Cena tried to go for an AA, but Wyatt tried to climb out of the cage. Cena caught Wyatt and drilled him with a sit – down powerbomb for a nearfall. Cena tried to get out of the cage door, but Rowan shut it close. Cena tried to power his way out of the door, but Wyatt knocked Cena from behind.

Wyatt missed with a running splash and Cena tried to climb out of the cage, but Rowan held Cena on his shoulders and boosted him back inside the cage! Cena dropped Wyatt on his head and tried to climb out of the other side, but Rowan climbed up the cage and brought Cena back in. Cena got rid of Harper as well and tried to climb out, but Rowan threatened him with a chair. Inside the cage, Wyatt drilled Cena with a splash and tried to go for Sister Abigail, but Cena locked in the STF! Wyatt crawled towards the door as Cena let him off. Rowan tried to drag Wyatt out but Cena pulled him back. Cena sent Harper crashing into the cage, but Wyatt sent Cena into the cage! Wyatt tried to climb out of the cage, but Cena connected with the AA from the second rope! Cena covered Wyatt, but Harper broke the pinfall!

Cena drilled Harper with a clothesline and tried to climb out of the cage once again, but Rowan climbed on top of the cage! Cena caught Rowan’s beard and drilled him face first on top of the cage! Cena then delivered a leg drop from the top rope and crawled towards the door when the lights went out! A spotlight appeared, and a kid stood before Cena, singing Wyatt’s song. As Cena backed away, Bray caught him and drilled him with Sister Abigail, and walked out of the cage to pick up the victory!

Winner: Bray Wyatt

Rating: *** ¾

Analysis: The ending was phenomenal, and furthers the point that Bray Wyatt is turning Cena’s fans against him, which is quite ingenious! The match itself was pretty well booked, as Cena tried to defy the odds like always and almost succeeded until his own fans turned on him! This is probably the best time to add another dimension to Cena’s character, and the fans are firmly behind Bray Wyatt! The Wyatt Family walked back along with the kid to end the segment. WWE cut back to the panel of Sheamus, O’Riley and Booker T as they gave their insights about the PPV. Time for the WWE Divas championship, as Tamina made her way out first, followed by the Divas champion, Paige!

Tamina Snuka vs. Paige for the WWE Divas championship

Paige and Tamina locked up in the ring to kick things off. Paige got the upper hand and out – witted Tamina. Paige rolled up Tamina for a nearfall! Paige drilled Tamina with some knees, but Tamina knocked her off the top turnbuckle onto the floor! Tamina brought her inside the ring for a nearfall. Tamina drilled Paige with a hard scoop slam for yet another nearfall. Tamina took her time working on Paige and drilled her with multiple scoop slams.

Paige tried to turn the tables and took Tamina out of the ring along with her. Paige tried to go for a hurricanrana outside the ring, but Tamina swung her into the barricade! Tamina lifted Paige on her shoulders and tried to climb to the top turnbuckle, but Paige slipped out and powerbombed Tamina for what it looked like a 3 count, but it was the ref’s fault. Paige tried to gain some momentum, but Tamina caught her with a spinning side slam for a nearfall. Tamina went for the superkick, but Paige caught her and locked in her submission to pick up the tap – out victory!

Winner and still the WWE Divas champion: Paige

Rating: **


That was a decent match, and Paige plays the underdog champion character to perfection. She found a way out to retain the title, and still remains on the top of the food chain. The Wyatts appeared on the big screen, as Bray Wyatt said that Cena stood alone now, and his allies have joined the Wyatts. He then gave the sheep mask to “Jimmy” who put it on. WWE aired a promo for the Daniel Bryan – Kane match in the main event, which captured Bryan’s journey to the top of the world and how his world came crashing down due to Kane.

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane for the WWE World Heavyweight championship in an Extreme Rules match

Daniel Bryan made his way out first to a huge ovation! The entire arena yelled “Yes!” at the top of their lungs with Bryan in the middle. Kane made his way out next, but Bryan met him at the top of the ramp and went at it! Kane got the upper hand as the crowd started a huge “Daniel Bryan” chant. Kane brought out a kendo stick and whipped Bryan with it. Bryan got his offense in and brought Kane down with a hurricanrana from the top rope! Bryan took Kane out, but Kane countered with a big boot and threw Bryan around ringside. Kane delivered a scoop slam with a chair on the barricade and brought Bryan back into the ring, but Bryan played possum, knocking Kane with the kendo stick.

Bryan went to the top, but Kane delivered a huge right as Bryan came down. Kane delivered a side walk slam through the chair as Bryan withered in pain. Bryan then sent Kane crashing through the chair between the turnbuckles and connected with a drop kick to send Kane outside, and followed with a huge suicide dive! Bryan took apart the announcer’s tables and drilled Kane with the monitors. Kane bounced Bryan off the Spanish announcer’s table and went for a chokeslam through the table, but Bryan reversed it into a tornado DDT as the crowd chanted for Bryan! Bryan tried to drill Kane with kicks, but Kane swatted Bryan into the steel steps! Kane tried to go for the tombstone piledriver on the steel steps, but Bryan sent Kane into the steel post and drilled Kane with hard kendo stick shots!

Kane took the punishment and drove Bryan into the entrance screen at the top of the ramp. Kane took Bryan to the back and tore things apart! Kane threw Bryan into anything he could find and made his way into the parking lot. Bryan drilled Kane with a shovel, but Kane tossed Bryan over the windshield of a car! Kane tried to take Bryan’s head off with a fire extinguisher, but Bryan moved! Kane missed with a right and drove his hand through the window of another car! Bryan got his hands on a lead pipe and knocked Kane out with it. He drilled Kane with the lead pipe and placed him on a fork lift! Bryan brought Kane back near the ringside area on the fork lift and dropped Kane inside the ring!

Bryan climbed up the fork lift and connected with the swandive headbutt for a nearfall! Kane got up and drilled Bryan with a chokeslam! Kane tried to nail the tombstone on a steel chair, but Bryan countered with a DDT on the chair as the crowd started a “This is awesome” chant! Bryan drilled Kane with multiple chair shots and locked in the LaBelle lock on Kane! Kane tried to use the kendo stick, but Bryan used the stick to put more pressure on Kane! Kane finally managed to roll out of the ring, and as Bryan tried to go for a suicide dive, he caught Bryan and drilled him with a chokeslam through the announcer’s table!

Kane brought out a wooden table, and sprayed the table with gasoline and set it on fire! Kane tried to chokeslam Bryan through the table, but Bryan managed to put Kane through the table instead! As the WWE personnel tried to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher, it blinded Kane for a moment and Bryan connected with the running double knee to pick up the victory!

Winner and still the WWE World Heavyweight champion: Daniel Bryan

Rating: **** ¼

Analysis: That was yet another outstanding mainevent, and the second 4+ star rating I have given to a match on the PPV. The psychology was brilliant, as Bryan dug deep to retain the WWE World Heavyweight championship against the demonic Kane, who has set out to destroy Bryan and everything he loves. Their chemistry was impeccable, and the match itself was top notch. The ending could’ve been better, but in the end, that came out great.

Over – all rating of the show: **** ¼ (Out of 5 stars)

Although the show delivered in every aspect, a lot of deserving superstars were let off the card, and a couple of things could’ve been booked better. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with John Cena, now that his fans have turned on him. Also, what will Kane do next to Daniel Bryan? Have The Shield seen the end of Evolution? A lot of things will be answered tomorrow, as we now head off to Monday Night RAW! That does it for the live review, and we hope you enjoyed the show.

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