#2 Constable Baron Corbin vs. Finn Balor

Corbin hit Finn with some vicious elbows but was hit with a huge basement dropkick. Corbin persevered though and attacked Balor in the corner followed by a painful hold. Balor reversed a quick move from Corbin but took a clothesline. Corbin hit Balor with a big forearm and dropped him on the apron. The following pin looked promising but was only a near fall.
Balor came back with the double boots to the face of Baron Corbin and then a step-up Enzugiri. Balor was up on the top rope and Corbin caught him in a chokeslam backbreaker. Corbin was in control again till he took a slingblade from Balor but answered it with a deep six. Corbin went for a powerbomb but took the double stomp from Balor and then a dropkick. Finn went for the finisher from up top and was interrupted by Corbin. Balor reversed the End of Days into an inside cradle and got the three count.
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Result: Finn Balor def. Constable Baron Corbin
We saw the Bludgeon Brothers destroying Team Hell No the camera caught them just in time for the Bludgeons to attack Kane in the knee with a giant mallet. Paige arrived at the scene and called for medical help as the Brothers retreated and we cut to the announce team speculating what the outcome of this carnage would be and if the SmackDown Tag Team title match would be cancelled.