WWE Fastlane 2017 Results March 5th 2017, Full Show Match Updates and Video Highlights


All eyes are set for WWE Fastlane taking place this Sunday at the BMO Bradley Harris Center in Milwaukee, WI. This RAW exclusive pay per view is the last one before the WWE Universe heads on to the grandest event of the year, WrestleMania 33. Many rivalries will come to a head as Sunday evening rolls by, and the WWE superstars take to the ring to put on a show for the thousands in attendance in Milwaukee and millions watching around the globe.


WWE Fastlane 2017 match card and results:

Kevin Owens (c) vs. GoldbergUniversal Championship
Roman Reigns vs. Braun Strowman
Bayley (c) vs. Charlotte FlairWomen’s Championship
Samoa Joe vs. Sami Zayn
Neville (c) vs. Jack GallagherCruiserweight Championship
Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson (c) vs. Enzo Amore & Big CassTag Team Championship
Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax


Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa vs Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar

Dar and Tozawa start us off. Tozawa takes Dar down but Kendrick attacks him from behind. Swann and Tozawa then clear the ring before they go to hit stereo suicide dives. However, they pulled out at the last moment after Kendrick and Dar hid behind Alicia Fox.

We came back from commercial to see Tozawa hit Kendrick with a dropkick before both men made tags. Swann came in hot and cleared the ring before hitting Kendrick with a baseball slide dropkick. Dar took advantage, sending Swann face-first into the ring post as the heels regrouped. Dar went to work on Swann’s arm as the heels isolated Swann. Swann finally hit back with a head kick to Dar before making a tag.


Tozawa came in screaming and hit Kendrick with a PK to the head followed by a Senton. Tozawa then went for a German but Kendrick managed to make a tag. Swann and Tozawa cleared the ring before hitting stereo suicide dives.

Swann and Dar were now the legal men as Swann hit two Rich kicks, one to both Kendrick and Dar. Tozawa then came in and hit a snap German Suplex on Kendrick before Swann hit a Phoenix Splash to Dar and pinned him.


Rich Swann and Akira Tozawa def. Brian Kendrick and Noam Dar


Main Card

Samoa Joe vs Sami Zayn

Joe attacked Zayn on RAW to set up this match, which was Joe’s first PPV match on the main roster.

The crowd were in full voice as this one started off. Zayn and Joe circled each other as Samoa Joe went for low side kicks, one of which caught Zayn and sent him reeling into the corner. Joe then hit a kick to Zayn’s chest before following it up with a submission attempt. Zayn reached the ropes and looked for a deep armdrag which was blocked by Joe.


Joe then took Zayn down with a short jab and followed it up with an Enzeguiri in the corner. Joe followed it up with a submission hold but Zayn manoeuvred out of it and hit Joe with the Blue Thunder Bomb for a nearfall. Joe’s reaction to almost getting pinned was a brutal Powerslam as the fans in Milwaukee started to chant “Joe”.

At this point, Zayn made a last gasp effort to roll Joe up which didn’t work out too well. Zayn headed to the top rope and Joe hit him with an enzeguiri before meeting him in the top rope. Zayn clubbed Joe in the head before flipping over and going for the Helluva Kick. Joe caught Zayn in midair and planted him on the mat before locking in the Coquina Clutch and getting Zayn to tap out.


Samoa Joe def. Sami Zayn


Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (C) vs Enzo and Cass (for the RAW Tag-Team Championships)

Enzo and Cass cut another nonsensical promo before the match which was full of cheap pops before ending in the usual flourish with their SAWFT gimmick.

Anderson and Cass started the match off. Cass quickly overpowered Anderson and tagged Enzo in. He tosses Enzo at Anderson before clotheslining Gallows out of the ring. Cass then threw Enzo out of the ring and onto Enzo and Cass.


Enzo then tried to get back on top of Anderson, but Anderson hit him with multiple running knees, wiping Enzo out. Anderson then tagged Gallows in. The 6” 8’ Gallows clubbed Enzo, isolating him in their corner. The much-larger Gallows then locked in a headlock. Gallows then tagged Anderson back in as The Club isolated Enzo.

Anderson then locked in a headlock of his own as Enzo tried to wriggle across the ring towards Cass. Enzo then sidestepped an oncoming Anderson, sending him crashing out of the ring. Anderson tried to recover by pulling Enzo out but Enzo hit him with an Enzeguiri. Enzo then moved out of the way as Gallows crashed head-first into the ringpost.


As Enzo looked like he was about to make the tag, Anderson came back in and hit another running knee. He then tagged Gallows back in, who continued to punish Enzo. Enzo then side-stepped an oncoming Gallows who crashed into the corner before dodging an elbow drop and making the tag to Cass.

Cass came in and hit multiple Fallaway Slams and Stinger Splashes to Karl Anderson. Cass then hit a side slam and an Empire Elbow to Anderson before hitting Gallows with a big boot. Anderson tried to roll him up but Cass hit him with a big boot of his own.


Enzo and Cass then hit Anderson with the Air Enzo but Gallows pulled him out of the way. Enzo then dived onto Gallows before heading back into the ring. Anderson took advantage and hit Enzo with a running knee to pin him and steal the win.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson def. Enzo and Cass


Nia Jax vs Sasha Banks

‘The Boss’ started the match by hitting Nia Jax with a series of strikes but they had no effect on Nia Jax. Jax hit a high-angle backbeaker before locking in a back-breaking submission move. Sasha attempted a sunset flip but it had no effect on Jax, who hit Sasha with a clothesline to take her down. Jax then kicked Banks across the back before hitting a Hip Attack in the corner.


Nia then dragged Sasha Banks across the ring before locking in a Bow and Arrow lock in the middle of the ring. Sasha tried to fight back with kicks to Nia’s head, but she was just tossed across the ring before locking in another Bow and Arrow Lock.

Nia continued to talk trash to Sasha as she sent Sasha face-first into the turnbuckle. Nia then locked in a devastating Torture Rack. Sasha somehow broke out of it as she tried to lock in a Guillotine. ‘he Boss’ then tried to lock in a Sleeper Hold but Jax easily swatted Banks away.


Sasha somehow hit a Tornado DDT out of nowhere before locking in the Banks Statement. Nia once again powered out of it and she hit Sasha with a chokeslam before flattening her with a legdrop.

Nia Jax then looked to finish Banks off with the Samoan Drop but ‘The Boss’ manoeuvred out of it and rolled Nia Jax up for the 3 count to pull off the win out of nowhere.

Sasha Banks def. Nia Jax


Jinder Mahal vs Cesaro

Jinder Mahal and Rusev were in the ring next to “sort out” their differences. Rusev and Jinder brawled in the ring and at ringside when Cesaro’s music hit. Cesaro and Sheamus came out as Cesaro faced Jinder Mahal in an impromptu match.

The two started up with a collar-and-elbow tie up before Cesaro took Mahal down with an headlock takedown. Cesaro then caught Jinder Mahal in midair and hit a backbreaker. Cesaro favoured his lower back after the move but quickly brushed it off.


Cesaro went to hit a deadlift Superplex but his back gave out on him as Mahal hit him with a low dropkick to take control. Mahal then locked in a headlock and followed it up with a running knee. Mahal followed it up with another dropkick as the fans started to get behind Cesaro.

Cesaro hit back with a series of uppercuts which he followed up with the Swiss-19. Jinder briefly took back control but he got distracted by Rusev who was at ringside. Cesaro hit a distracted Jinder Mahal with a pop-up uppercut to pick up the win.


Cesaro def. Jinder Mahal

Rusev beat down on Jinder Mahal after the match ended until his own surprise opponent came out. It turned out to be the Big Show.


Big Show vs Rusev

Big Show came in and hit Rusev with a big boot before following it up with knife-edged chops that sent Rusev rolling out of the ring. Show followed him out and dragged him back in before hitting Rusev with a massive headbutt. He followed it up a huge splash in the corner.

Big Show continued his assault with a Sidewinder for the nearfall. Rusev then regrouped briefly but his offence just couldn't take Big Show off his feet as Show hit him with another clothesline. Big Show went for another running clothesline but Rusev took out Big Show’s knee before locking in a submission hold. Show broke out of it by booting Rusev in the face before hitting a sidewalk slam.


Big Show went for a chokeslam but Rusev broke out of it and took out Big Show’s knee. Rusev hit a grounded Big Show with three side kicks to the head but Show still kicked out of the pinning attempt.

Show then hit Rusev with three Chokeslam before hitting him with a KO punch. Big Show then pinned Rusev in what turned out to be a glorified squash match.

Big Show def. Rusev


Neville (C) vs Jack Gallagher (for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship)

Whoever wins this one will head into Wrestlemania as the WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Neville and Gallagher started off at a furious pace. Neville Irish Whipped Gallagher into the corner and Gallagher did his turnbuckle headstand spot. An infuriated Neville then charged in at Gallagher who hit him with a double kick.

Gallagher then tossed Neville out of the ring but the ‘King of the Cruiserweights’ came back with a vengeance and hit Gallagher with a missile dropkick before stomping a mudhole into Gallagher in the corner. The champ then hit a snap suplex and followed it up with a running forearm in the corner.


Neville then played around with Gallagher, kicking and stomping as he went, before locking in a Camel Clutch. ‘Gentleman’ Jack hit back with a dropkick which sent Neville rolling out of the ring. Gallagher followed it up with a middle-rope splash onto Neville.

Gallagher dragged Neville back into the ring and deposited Neville on the top turnbuckle before climbing up himself and hitting a top rope belly-to-back suplex. Neville kicked out of the ensuing pin at two and a half.


A desperate Neville deposited Gallagher in the tope rope before hitting Gallagher with a nasty snap German Suplex. Neville followed it up with a Phonix Splash but Gallagher somehow kicked out of it. Neville showed disdain and he kicked around Gallagher who was trying to get back on his feet.

Gallagher then hit Neville out of nowhere with two headbutts before collapsing on Neville for the cover. Neville kicked out at two and a half once again. Gallagher then went for his finisher, the running dropkick in the corner but Neville moved out of the way and hit Gallagher with a Superkick. Gallagher regrouped and deposited Neville on the top rope and hit another headbutt as Neville looked like he was out cold.


Gallagher looked to capitalize but Neville knocked him off the apron and hit a beautiful Red Arrow to pin him.

Neville def. Jack Gallagher

This match may be a turning point for the Cruiserweight Divison. It was the best match that the division has seen since its inception and got a prolonged “this is awesome” chant. And, it was awesome.


Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns

Strowman immediately overpowered Reigns as the match began, pushing him into the corner. Reigns then circled Strowman as he regrouped but Strowman just tossed Reigns out of the ring. Reigns then hit Strowman with a guillotine before heading back into the ring and attempting a Samoan Drop, which he didn’t managed.

Reigns clotheslined Strowman over the ring but the “monster amongst men” pulled Roman out and tried to send him crashing into the steel steps but Reigns narrowly avoided disaster. Reigns and Strowman then headed back into the ring as Strowman tossed the “big guy” across the ring like a sack of potatoes. Strowman then locked in a claw hold before hitting a Samoan Drop to Reigns.


Strowman followed it up with a splash as he took complete control. He then locked in another headlock. Strowman followed up with shots to Reigns’ sternum before continuing the headlock. Roman eventually powered out of it and hit multiple clotheslines but it didn’t have any effect on Strowman who hit Reigns with a reverse chokeslam as the action spilt to ringside.

Strowman looked to hit a running powerslam onto the announcer’s table but Roman powered out once again and sent Strowman crashing into the ringpost. Reigns then attempted a Drive By but Braun caught him and sent him crashing into the ringpost.


The action once again went back inside the ring as Reigns looked to take control for the first time. Roman hit Strowman with clubbing forearms before hitting a Samoan Drop for the 2-count.

Reigns then looked to follow up with a Superman Punch but Roman tossed him onto the turnbuckle before slamming Roman face-first onto the mat. Strowman then went for a Big Boot in the turnbuckle but Reigns moved and Strowman toppled over the turnbuckle and to ringside.


Roman followed the monster out and hit the Drive By. Roman looked to follow it up with a decisive spear but Strowman caught him in midair and hit a running Powerslam into the announcer’s table. Strowman then tossed Roman back in the ring and climbed in. Roman somehow took advantage of the situation and hit a Spear before going for the cover. Strowman kicked out at 2 once again.

Roman followed with two Superman Punches but Strowman still couldn’t get taken off his feet. Strowman then knocked Roman down and headed to the top rope and attempted a Frog Splash but Roman moved out of the way. Reigns capitalized and hit Strowman with a spear and spun him to stunned silence from the audience.


Roman Reigns def. Braun Strowman


Charlotte (C) vs Bayley (for the RAW Women’s Championship)

Bayley and Charlotte went back and forth in the opening stages of the match until Bayley took control with a hurracanrana on the floor at ringside. She followed it up with a crossbody inside the ring before attempting an early Bayley-To-Belly.

Charlotte then scampered out of the ring to regroup and Bayley followed her out. Charlotte hit an oncoming Bayley with a nasty clothesline to wrest back control. Back in the ring, Charlotte hit Bayley with a relentless barrage of knee strikes before attempting a cover but Bayley kicked out at 2.


Charlotte continued her relentless attack, hitting Bayley with repeated knife-edged chops while talking trash to Bayley. Charlotte followed it up with a big boot and a neckbreaker.

The Queen continued her relentless attack with knees to Bayley’s spine before taking her down and stepping over Bayley. Charlotte then headed to the top rope and hit a moonsault which she followed with a Senton.

Bayley finally managed to get momentum back on her side as she hammered Charlotte with knee strikes of her own. She then hit The Queen with a midrope stunner followed by a forearm in the corner and a belly-to-back suplex.


Bayley then hung Charlotte up on the turnbuckle and hit a springboard elbow. The ‘Hugster’ then headed to the top rope and hit a flying elbow drop. Charlotte somehow kicked out at the last second and tossed Bayley out of the ring to buy some time.

Charlotte hit Bayley with the Natural Selection as she headed back into the ring. Bayley somehow kicked out at the last moment. Charlotte then deposited Bayley on the floor outside before heading to the top rope and looking to hit the Moonsault.


At this point, Sasha Banks inexplicably came out to distract Charlotte as Bayley took advantage and hit Charlotte with a Bayley-To-Bayley on the floor.

Charlotte recovered and rolled Bayley up inside the ring but Sasha pointed out to the referee that Charlotte was holding the tights. The referee stopped the count and Bayley hit a Bayley-To-Bayley to pin Charlotte and end her PPV streak. Garbage booking in my opinion. It doesn’t make either Bayley or Charlotte look strong.


Bayley def. Charlotte

Kevin Owens (C) vs Goldberg (for the WWE Universal Championship)

The crowd were on their feet from the moment when Goldberg and Owens stepped out into the arena. Both men received huge pops as the bell rang.

Owens started the match off by stepping out of the ring before the bell even rang as he looked to dictate the pace of the match. Owens then feinted a return into the ring but once again got off the apron and pace back and forth outside the ring.


KO then got back into the ring before immediately rolling back out.

Chris Jericho’s music hit as the the match finally began. Goldberg hit KO with a Spear and a Jackhammer to pick up the win.

Goldberg def. Kevin Owens


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