Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns
Strowman immediately overpowered Reigns as the match began, pushing him into the corner. Reigns then circled Strowman as he regrouped but Strowman just tossed Reigns out of the ring. Reigns then hit Strowman with a guillotine before heading back into the ring and attempting a Samoan Drop, which he didn’t managed.
Reigns clotheslined Strowman over the ring but the “monster amongst men” pulled Roman out and tried to send him crashing into the steel steps but Reigns narrowly avoided disaster. Reigns and Strowman then headed back into the ring as Strowman tossed the “big guy” across the ring like a sack of potatoes. Strowman then locked in a claw hold before hitting a Samoan Drop to Reigns.
Strowman followed it up with a splash as he took complete control. He then locked in another headlock. Strowman followed up with shots to Reigns’ sternum before continuing the headlock. Roman eventually powered out of it and hit multiple clotheslines but it didn’t have any effect on Strowman who hit Reigns with a reverse chokeslam as the action spilt to ringside.
Strowman looked to hit a running powerslam onto the announcer’s table but Roman powered out once again and sent Strowman crashing into the ringpost. Reigns then attempted a Drive By but Braun caught him and sent him crashing into the ringpost.
The action once again went back inside the ring as Reigns looked to take control for the first time. Roman hit Strowman with clubbing forearms before hitting a Samoan Drop for the 2-count.
Reigns then looked to follow up with a Superman Punch but Roman tossed him onto the turnbuckle before slamming Roman face-first onto the mat. Strowman then went for a Big Boot in the turnbuckle but Reigns moved and Strowman toppled over the turnbuckle and to ringside.
Roman followed the monster out and hit the Drive By. Roman looked to follow it up with a decisive spear but Strowman caught him in midair and hit a running Powerslam into the announcer’s table. Strowman then tossed Roman back in the ring and climbed in. Roman somehow took advantage of the situation and hit a Spear before going for the cover. Strowman kicked out at 2 once again.
Roman followed with two Superman Punches but Strowman still couldn’t get taken off his feet. Strowman then knocked Roman down and headed to the top rope and attempted a Frog Splash but Roman moved out of the way. Reigns capitalized and hit Strowman with a spear and spun him to stunned silence from the audience.
Roman Reigns def. Braun Strowman