#3. Triple Threat Match - Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns (Fastlane 2016)

For number three on our list we have a big Triple Threat match to determine who would face "The Game" Triple H at WrestleMania 32, as it would be Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose squaring off against each other. Triple H had won the Royal Rumble and subsequently the WWE Championship due to a stipulation where Roman Reigns competed in the Royal Rumble match by order of The Authority with his WWE Championship at stake.
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In order to put the screws to Roman Reigns, Triple H came out as a surprise competitor and eliminated Reigns and Ambrose to win the match and the championship.
Fast forward to Fastlane and we now have our match to find out who would face Triple H at WrestleMania. The match wasn't too bad, but not great either, as you would probably expect. The crowd was very pro Brock Lesnar on this night, in general. The match itself focused on Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose isolating Brock Lesnar from the match entirely, as they continued to double team Lesnar throughout the contest in the early going.
Brock would go on a rampage, sending both Reigns and Ambrose (especially) to "Suplex City". Ambrose was thrown around like a rag doll with those German Suplex's, as Lesnar would connect with five of them on the "Lunatic Fringe".
The action would spill to the arena floor, where we'd see Reigns and Ambrose connect with a "Shield Powerbomb" through the announce table, which got a big pop from the crowd. With Lesnar down, both Ambrose and Reigns went at each other inside the ring, as the crowd got into the former Shield brothers exchanging chops, punches, etc.
After this, Dean and Roman would see that Lesnar is starting to get back up from the previous powerbomb spot. Both men would exit to the arena floor, scoop up Lesnar again and give him one Shield Powerbomb through a second announce table, then literately bury him underneath the table parts. Good strategy!
With Lesnar out, both men would go back inside the ring and continue the match. Reigns at one point had Ambrose hoisted up for a Samoan Drop, but Lesnar would rise up from the rubble outside and would run in and grab Reigns from behind to deliver a German Suplex to both men. A very spectacular spot.
Afterwards, Reigns would counter back with a Spear to Lesnar, only for Brock to capture Reigns and apply the Kimura Lock. Reigns would try to power out of the hold, but before he could do so, Dean Ambrose entered the fray with a steel chair as he proceeded to wail away at both men with one thunderous chair shot after the other.
With Lesnar down and suffering the effects of those chairs. Reigns would quickly get back up and deliver a big Spear to Dean Ambrose to get the pin fall and the victory.
Good match. A couple of good spots thrown in. Nothing classy. Nothing fancy in terms of pure wrestling. You pretty much got what you expected. We would see Brock Lesnar and Dean Ambrose go against each other at WrestleMania 32 in a No Holds Barred match, with Lesnar picking up the win in a very lackluster and disappointing match. Meanwhile, Roman Reigns would defeat Triple H in the main event to recapture the WWE Championship.