After discharging 55 employees from their respective posts yesterday, WWE released five more talents from the company as NXT stars Garrett Dylan,Travis Tyler, Slate Randall, Mac Miles, Dani Jackson had their contracts terminated.
After cutting off 7% of WWE’ s total workforce, Vince McMahon reportedly stated that there would be no more employment cuts for his employees but did not mention anything about talent cuts.
Recently, Ricardo Rodriguez was the latest WWE talent who was offloaded from the roster. And in spite of not mentioning anything about more talent releases, these five superstars are the latest ones to face the axe.
Sam Udell, better known as Travis Tyler with NXT, commented the following on Twitter following his release.
Garrett Dylan, who is known as Jody Kristofferson,and is the son of actor and musician Kris Kristofferson, also posted a tweet about his release.
Major rumor about recently released stars HERE