#9 Brock Lesnar def. Roman Reigns (Universal Championship steel cage match)

Match: This started in typical Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns fashion, with Lesnar connecting with four German suplexes and an F5 before Reigns responded with three Superman punches. Lesnar went on to hit another F5 while Reigns hit a total of five spears, with the final one sending both men through the cage. Lesnar’s back landed first, albeit with a cage between him and the mat, so he was announced as the winner.
Verdict: Considering the rest of the card was largely predictable, it was a welcome change that Lesnar picked up a surprise win in this match. Some are arguing that Reigns should have won, as his feet touched the mat before Lesnar, so that opens up the possibility of another match between the two in the near future. If it happens, WWE had better book it soon because, as good as this cage match was, fans won’t want to see 1-2 months of television hype for another rematch.
Grade: B+