The Undertaker making his grand entranceLast year, this time, WWE was busy promoting Hell in a Cell. They had a very emotional main event between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins to sell tickets. The match had all the emotions and story that WWE fans wanted and it ended up being a success story too. Fast forward to this year, WWE is banking on the popularity of two part-time superstars to sell their pay-per-view.The blow off match between Undertaker and Brock Lesnar does sell tickets better than the Ambrose-Rollins one but somewhere down the line, we have lost something, if you really think about it. The buildup leading to this year’s event has been disappointing to say the least. Despite this, WWE has a stacked card for the show, with which they could write a success story. Here is the full match card analysis for the pay-per-view and its predictions.
#8 Dolph Ziggler, Cesaro, and Neville vs. Rusev, Sheamus and King Barrett

The purpose of this match is to give all six superstars some pay-per-viaew spotlight. There isn’t any other storyline or subplot to follow here. There were rumors about Dolph Ziggler being the man to challenge Cena for the United States Championship but now that this match is booked, the chances of Ziggler challenging Cena are slim. Cesaro is once again down in the pre-show, which is pretty sad to say the least.
Sheamus, on the other hand, is the biggest loser. He is the Money in the Bank holder and still cannot find a storyline that fits him. As far as the winners are concerned, the baby faces are the favorites here as we could see a split between the heels at some point.
Prediction: Ziggler, Cesaro and Neville Wins
#7 John Cena\'s US Open Challenge

John Cena has decided to run the United States Championship Open Challenge at Hell in a Cell. The open challenge is indeed a great way to keep the suspense but at the same time, it shows WWE’s inability to come up with storylines for the Cenation leader. The names that could answer the challenge are many. Big E is a big possibility due to the ongoing battle between Cena and the New Day. Alberto Del Rio has some outside chance and so does Chris Jericho. Dean Ambrose is a popular choice now that he is nowhere on the HIAC card.
Tyler Breeze recently made his debut on the main roster and if WWE is backing him, then he could be the one facing Cena. Sami Zayn is also a candidate. Now that Cena is scheduled to take some time off the television, he is likely to drop the title to anyone who comes out of the blue.
Prediction: Cena Drops
#6 Kevin Owens vs. Ryback (Intercontinental Championship)

The Intercontinental Championship is out of relevance for quite some time now. Owens is a great performer and a solid champion but the lack of good storyline is keeping him away from his true potential. Ryback being the champion is not helping either. These two will be facing off for the title at Hell in a Cell, and it is unlikely to attract a lot of heat from the fans.
The in-ring action could turn out to be good but it will end there. No one is going to remember the match and when it comes to the conclusion, Owens is the clear favorite. He needs the championship more than ever and the gold around Ryback’s waist would be a wasted move.
Prediction: Kevin Owens Wins.
#5 The New Day vs. The Dudley Boyz (Tag Team Championship)

New Day is enjoying some great momentum as the Tag Team Champions. They have been flirting around the main event scene with the gold and are hands down the most interesting team on the WWE roster. The tag team championship bout between these two teams is expected to be a great one but then again, we’ve been there and done that.
New Day needs the title to keep their run going whereas Dudley Boyz could simply walk in and get cheers from the WWE Universe. WWE is well aware about this fact, and is likely to keep the gold on New Day. The Dudleys could then work in the traditional Survivor Series match next month and they won’t need any titles for the same.
Prediction: New Day wins.
#4 Charlotte vs. Nikki Bella (Divas Championship)

The Divas division will be represented by Nikki Bella and Charlotte at Hell in a Cell. Despite WWE’s claims of the divas revolution, they are only giving one match for the division and that too, a title match. Keeping the booking blunders aside, the match might go down as an average Divas Championship match. There are definitely a handful of subplots in the feud but then again, WWE is likely to play it safe.
Charlotte losing the title to Nikki just weeks after winning it wouldn’t make sense at all, making Charlotte the favorite. However, if Charlotte drops the title due to some interference from Paige, then it is a storyline worth following.
Prediction: Charlotte retains.
#3 Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt (Hell in a Cell Match)

WWE’s never ending quest to push Roman Reigns to the top will see another chapter at Hell in a Cell. The Samoan Superman will be locked in the unforgiving structure with Bray Wyatt, and the match is supposed to be the final nail in the feud that is going nowhere. No matter how the fans see this bout, these two men are surely going to punish each other inside the Cell. The stooges of Bray might get involved in some capacity as well and it is going to be chaotic.
At the end of the day, Reigns is going to walk out of the Cell as the winner. The match was put together to make him go over and anything less than a win would ruin the purpose of the entire feud.
Prediction: Roman Reigns wins.
#2 Seth Rollins vs. Demon Kane (WWE Championship Match)

WWE is advertising the match as Seth Rollins vs. Demon Kane. The word ‘Demon’ in front of Kane sums up the entire problem that is there with this feud. WWE has stooped to such levels where they need to do something like this to make the feud look good. The feud is nothing more than a filler for Rollins. He will clearly regain the championship and the corporate Kane will be fired from the company. Simple as that. But from a bigger perspective, the problems regarding the title reign of Rollins will not be solved.
He is still going to be the chicken champion and beating someone like Kane is not going to do him any good. The only way in which WWE could save the match is through some twist that could benefit the company in the longer run.
Prediction: Seth Rollins regains.
#1 Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar (Hell in a Cell Match)

The remaining matches in the card are pretty easy to predict. This one, however, is on the opposite end of the spectrum. The match will be the final chapter in this epic feud and irrespective of the winner, the match will attract controversy. Lesnar winning would make one portion of the WWE Universe unhappy. They will come up with the claims that WWE buried The Undertaker. Taker, winning on the other hand, will produce claims that WWE ruined the momentum of Lesnar and wasted the streak.
It is impossible to make everyone happy with this feud and due to the same, picking a winner will be a big headache for WWE. If it was down to a personal choice, I would go for a Brock Lesnar win. Lesnar lost in the last pay-per-view and two consecutive losses is not something he should suffer. He still has a decade of wrestling ahead of him and winning the feud against Undertaker will be the best-for-business move.
Prediction: Brock Lesnar wins.