Underrated Corey Graves Moments Of The Night...
Even during the lowest points throughout the show, Corey Graves made sure to keep the viewers interested in some form or another.
For example, Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella vs. The Miz & Maryse wasn't the best match of the night. However, Corey Graves highlighted the ridiculousness of the whole scenario by saying:
Will John Cena beat Ric Flair's record? A former WCW Champion thinks so HERE
"Maryse is an underrated in-ring technician..."
He also kept in character by taking shots at Byron Saxton & being in denial about the 'IT kicks', as well as quipping about Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella's "marital problems" throughout this bout.
One other contrasting "Corey Graves Moment" occurred after Ronda Rousey vs. Alexa Bliss finished. We all know how Mr. Graves likes to worship "The Goddess" Alexa Bliss on RAW. However, it seems as if Graves finally came to terms with Alexa's loss, as Corey himself stated- "Please don't tell her I said this, but I think Alexa Bliss got a little over-confident..."
Good old Corey.
Daniel Bryan Takes An Unnecessary Risk...
The Diving Headbutt is an aerial move that has a lot of stigmas attached to it. Whether those stigmas are related to WWE's buried past history or the risks that come along with it in the first place, it became pretty clear that Daniel Bryan need not include this move in his bag of tricks after what drove him to 'retirement' in the past.
However, as readers can see above, Daniel Bryan unsuccessfully attempted a Diving Headbutt from the top-rope during last night's HIAC PPV.
You can label it as "daredevilry" on Bryan's part, but it would be far more profitable if everyone's favorite underdog attempted to execute risks like this on a far more important event as compared to a mixed tag-team matchup.