Ryback and Paul Heyman vs. CM Punk in a 2 on 1 Handicap match inside the Hell In A Cell
In all likeliness, this will be the final anthology of the CM Punk – Paul Heyman saga. I’m a huge fan of both Heyman and Punk, and this Sunday, Punk will finally have a fair chance at getting his hands on Paul Heyman. I expect two things to happen – Either Punk gets his hands on Heyman and beats the living daylights out of him, and Heyman will be gone from WWE TV, or Punk beats the living daylights out of Heyman, and Heyman will return to WWE TV after a month or so.
I wouldn’t want Heyman to take a hiatus, as he’s one of the very few reasons I watch Monday Night RAW and the WWE in general. Heyman is a genius, a once in a lifetime personality who knows just how to keep the fans tuned in. Oh, and then there’s Ryback, who has been basking in Heyman’s glory. Maybe pairing Ryback with Heyman was a mistake, but we’ll find that out this Sunday.
Winner: CM Punk
Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.
AJ Lee (With Tamina Snuka) vs. Brie Bella (With Nikki) for the WWE Divas championship
I’m upset that WWE doesn’t give us more of AJ – Natalya, as those two can put on better matches in their sleep than Brie or Nikki. I’m glad that Brie is now Bryan’s fiancé, but that doesn’t give WWE the right to put out abysmal matches for the fans, at least on PPVs. It will likely be a 3 minute botch – yell – fest that will see Brie finally getting the victory over AJ (Hey, let’s face it. It has to happen sometime). This will likely be carried into the E! Total Divas show.
Winner and the new WWE Divas champion: Brie Bella
Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena for the World Heavyweight championship
This is one of the toughest bouts to predict on the card. Cena will be making his return to WWE TV after nearly 2 months, and will be taking on Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight championship. Let’s be honest – ADR hasn’t been the most interesting champion in recent memory, and hence, WWE might look to spice things up by putting the strap on Cena, now that the WWE championship scene is pretty much stacked up with the likes of Orton and Bryan. I’d be surprised if John Cena doesn’t pick up the victory, at least by a DQ.
Winner and the new World Heavyweight champion: John Cena
Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan with Shawn Michaels as the special guest referee inside the Hell In A Cell for the WWE Championship
In hindsight, WWE might have saved themselves by involving Shawn Michaels in the main event bout for the WWE championship. This Sunday, we will see one of the competitors walking out of the PPV as the new WWE champion, and although anything can happen – From a Michaels’ heel turn to Big Show’s interference to Triple H getting involved, or Bryan winning the bout clean if WWE wants to save its face, I don’t see Randy Orton walking out of HIAC as the new WWE champion.
Triple H might truly believe that Orton is a better “championship material” than Bryan, but it would take a whole new level of stupidity on WWE’s part to put the strap on Randy Orton.
Winner and the new WWE champion: Daniel Bryan
Those are our predictions. Comment below and let us know what you think, and join us this Sunday as we cover the Hell In A Cell PPV, live right here!