Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Randy Orton - Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship
Randy Orton attacked Drew McIntyre during his entrance at Hell In A Cell and a brawl broke out outside the cage. Randy cleared the announce desk but Drew took him down and dragged him to the ring before the match started.
McIntyre was dominating early on and sent Randy into the cage walls before hitting him with the steel steps. Randy got control of the match soon after with a steel chair and set Drew's head on the steel steps, stomping on it. He then scraped the cage wall onto the champ's face.
Drew was sent into the steel steps before taking a backbreaker in the ring but he still kicked out. McIntyre got back in control and was setting up for the finish but Orton fled the ring. Drew sent Orton through the table that was set up before.
Orton hit a DDT and went for some bolt cutters, breaking the lock on the cage and walking out. Drew followed him out and dragged him back at Hell In A Cell.