#2 The Nexus

On an episode of Monday Night Raw, John Cena and CM Punk faced off in the main event. Suddenly, a group of NXT rookies invaded the show, leading to a beatdown for the ages. The Nexus proceeded to beat Cena and Punk to a pulp.
Daniel Bryan choked ring announcer, Justin Roberts, with his tie, and the group didn't spare the commentators either.
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This beatdown kicked off a rivalry that reinvigorated fan interest in the product, with Nexus facing Team WWE at SummerSlam 2010. Following the loss at the PPV, Nexus soon fizzled out, but the months leading to SummerSlam were must-watch TV and one of the most interesting programmings WWE had produced in a long time.
Wade Barrett, the leader of The Nexus, failed to win the WWE Title from Cena and was soon relegated to the mid-card.
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