#7 Hulk Hogan

Few superstars gain such cult status that they are viewed as demi-gods who are bigger than the industry itself. Hulk Hogan is one such WWE legend who has redefined the wrestling industry.
Hogan is considered to be the greatest WWE Superstar of all time. He is one of the major reasons why wrestling took off during the '80s.
Hogan was also known for being a backstage politician who would stoop to the lowest of levels in order to secure the top spot for himself. During the buildup to WrestleMania 9, Bret Hart was slated to defend his title against Yokozuna.
At the last moment, Vince informed Bret that Hogan would be walking out of the ring with the WWE title after Bret would lose to Yokozuna in the main event. Bret agreed as Hogan promised to return the favor back in the near future.
Unfortunately, the favor was never returned back. Hogan flat out refused to put Bret over in a match and soon left for WCW. Bret tried to reason with Vince, but the owner didn't want to anger Hogan in the slightest bit.
Hogan's tentacles also extended to WCW, where he controlled the storylines to such an effect that other superstars defected to the WWE owing to Hogan's capacity to manipulate bookings.
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